Interesting, remarkable and entertaining people. Videos and TV channels that feature individuals who have done something noteworthy or have developed a bit of a following.
Interesting People
Former governor, wrestler and Navy Seal Jesse Ventura stands his ground and talks about the war in Afganistan, politics and his...
The controversy over the hacked emails and ‘ClimateGate’ heats up as more people examine the evidence and pick out some juicy...
I’m sorry but did I just hear that correctly? It sounded as though Glenn Beck was criticizing American troops for NOT...
It’s fair to say Tiger Woods hasn’t had a very good week. First there were allegations of extra-marital activity, then he...
Breast cancer awareness needs to be improved at all costs. Women need to know the risks and the dangers and that...
Ashton Kutcher has a lot to answer for. If I was this guy I’d sue him for emotional distress after this...
This is insane. How come we can find Saddam Hussein across the world, but we can’t find Colton Harris-Moore in a...
We’ve all done stupid things in our youth. As kids we climb trees with no thought of the dangers or the...
And there was me thinking Jennifer Lopez had retired. After all, I haven’t seen her in any films or heard her...
Twilight is currently THE franchise of the moment. Forget Harry Potter, forget Spider-Man, forget everything else you’ve ever watched or read...
The auto-tune phenomenon is picking up pace all the time. Bad singers and rappers who wanted to appear more talented starting...
Wife Swap certainly knows how to choose its couples. Ralph and Karen Guastaferro appeared on the show with their daughter Alicia...
Like most comedy talk shows focusing on current events, this could easily be renamed as ‘people sitting around making fun of...
The times, they are a changing as Portland, Oregon celebrates the opening of their very first medicinal marijuana café.
Despite being attacked for her beliefs regarding gay marriage numerous times in many different ways, beauty queen Carrie Prejean talks candidly...
In light of Sarah Palin’s Newsweek cover pose, people on Larry King Live debate her sex appeal.
Every year I get the flu shot and every year I get the flu. After seeing this video, I think I’m...
Another week, another celebrity death hoax. Strangely though, it’s Miley Cyrus AGAIN. That’s three times that rumors of the Hannah Montana...
On Feb. 16, 2009, a lady by the name of Charla Nash was attacked and mauled by her friend’s 200lb chimp...
Growing up and not being able to eat “normal” food is tough. I would know since I’m allergic to wheat, dairy,...
I didn’t see this one coming. Katt Williams, superstar comedian, has been arrested on burglary and criminal trespass charges. Police suspect...
I know a lot of people, especially in the United States, aren’t the biggest fans of Russia. It was that whole...
There’s nothing more controversial and up for debate at the moment than the health care reform bill that Obama and his...
In 2007, Will Ferrell and Adam McKay launched a video site specifically for comedy skits and sketches called Funny Or Die....
Tis the season to shop and thus is the time for a reminder of the disgusting place all the rampant consumerism...
The Fun Theory by Volkswagen is making the world better one small but awesomely fun step at a time. How many...
I’m afraid I was one of those kids that found school very boring. I was well-behaved, polite, and had a good...
“Dante Higgins from travels downtown to take part in New York City’s Halloween Parade.” He joins few practiced dancers and...
Halloween is here… almost. What better way to get into the mood for some scary shenanigans than surely the best Halloween-themed...
“HUNGRY, Crystal Renn: An inspiring and cautionary tale for women of all ages, Hungry is an uplifting memoir with a universal...