Interesting, remarkable and entertaining people. Videos and TV channels that feature individuals who have done something noteworthy or have developed a bit of a following.
Interesting People
“Dante Higgins from travels downtown to take part in New York City’s Halloween Parade.” He joins few practiced dancers and...
Halloween is here… almost. What better way to get into the mood for some scary shenanigans than surely the best Halloween-themed...
“HUNGRY, Crystal Renn: An inspiring and cautionary tale for women of all ages, Hungry is an uplifting memoir with a universal...
Eric Williamson was arrested for indecent exposure after a woman called him in, accusing him of ‘wanting to be seen’ while...
Chris Brown is back, with his first new release since he beat Rihanna up and she left him. Unsurprisingly. The song...
Most people born with the extremely rare Mermaid Syndrome (yes that’s the real medical term) die within a few days of...
You may have heard by now about the new operating system from Microsoft. It’s called Windows 7 and it was released...
Some people are so gullible. This video shows a guy in a robot suit at the 2009 Dubai Gitex technology week...
Soupy Sales, the TV comedian who built a career from throwing pies around, has died at the age of 83 after...
Sometimes, despite how uncomfortable and humiliating you know an incident is for someone, you can’t help laughing. As is the case...
You may have received an email or been sent a link via social network which ends with the image seen in...
Richard Dawkins is one of the most notable atheists in the world, not afraid to discuss his views that there is...
On Oct. 15, there were reports on all the major news outlets that a young boy was floating around in a...
It’s very important to exercise, particularly as you get older. Early morning stretching is one of those key tenets of an...
There are a lot of videos on the Internet in places such as YouTube which leave me asking the question: What...
Everyone is entitled to their political view, no matter how strongly others may disagree with it. And this video shows what...
One healthy guy living the raw food life shows you how to make a very quick and easy spicy pumpkin seed...
Last month, VIBE magazine revealed they still had unreleased footage acquired from a 13 year-old interview with influential rapper Tupac Shakur....
It was revealed yesterday that Barack Obama, President of the United States, has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. But does...
Make sure to read the description. “The Free-Staters started a 420 Cannabis Calebration movement in Keene, NH, where everyone bands together...
The massive Duggar family of TLC’s 18 Kids and Couting has added the very first member of the next generation of...
The American President, Barack Obama, has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009. But does he really deserve it, honestly?
It’s a well-known fact where I live, Georgia Bulldog fans sound a lot like soldiers in the movie 300. And, as...
This video begins by showing just a typical night out in any big city in the UK. Unfortunately, there is always...
I love Alyson Hannigan. She’s beautiful, kooky, talented, and very funny. What more could any man ask from a woman? As...
The ultimate pranksters Improv Everywhere strike again with another stunt in New York when they get 2000 people to wander around...
David Letterman hasn’t really had a good year. Not only was he criticized over a few choice jokes about Sarah Palin...
“Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t:...
I suspect everyone in the world is the same when it comes to getting up in the morning. Oh, some people...