Interesting, remarkable and entertaining people. Videos and TV channels that feature individuals who have done something noteworthy or have developed a bit of a following.

Interesting People

Amazing 12 Year-Old Lebanese Girl Cries Crystals Video | A Modern Miracle?

It’s not exactly walking on water or parting the red sea, but this modern-day miracle is truly amazing. Caught on film...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Armless Bowler Gets A Strike (Video) | No Hands, No Matter – Just Use Your Head

Being able-bodied (no I’m not gloating), I am constantly amazed by how much disabled people can achieve. That may sound bad...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Hilarious Joe Cocker Music Video | Live at Woodstock 1969 (With Subtitles)

If this doesn’t make a great ‘Thank God It’s Friday’ video, then I don’t know what does.
22 sec read

NSFW Video | Kinky New Video Game Played With Game Controller Underwear

This is one video game definitely not meant for the whole family to enjoy.
22 sec read

World Record For Most T-Shirts Worn At Same Time (Video Clip) | Pointless But Funny

Most world records that appear in the Guinness Book Of World Records are pointless these days. And this really is one...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Weird & Funny Japanese TV Commercial | Woman Attempts Non-Blinking World Record

Here we have a very unique Japanese commercial that won an award at the Cannes Film Festival. No, it doesn’t contain...
Iman Peera
33 sec read

Singing Puppies To Sleep Video | Let’s See the Dog Whisperer Do This!

Echoing the sentiments of the woman in the video – I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it.
22 sec read

WTF Wife Swap Moment Video | Eat Meat & Die!

Oh, the tragedy and heartache of watching your children suffer with upset stomachs!
24 sec read

Funny Classic Television Video | She Had the Biggest Blanks…

“Show us your bazzums Fannie.” The Match Game has always been my favourite classic television show. Follow that up with The...
22 sec read

Cool Australian Nature Video | Driving Into a Massive Dust Storm

Trust an Aussie to just go ahead and drive into the gigantic dust storms. With some of the deadliest animals and...
22 sec read

Stress Affecting Your Health? Try Not Giving A Fuck (Video) | Spoof Infomercial Video

Stress is a complaint that affects many of us in many different ways, none of which are good. It can raise...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

The Secret World Of Sam King – Bebo Drama Stars Amy Winehouse, Razorlight, Bloc Party

A new online drama series is soon to start on the Bebo social network, called The Secret World Of Sam King....
Dave Parrack
52 sec read

Funny Election Campaign Video | Jib Jab Pokes Fun At McCain and Obama

Get ready people. It is time for some campaignin’! McCain comes a ridin’ in on his rockets, and Obama comes a...
Julie Popp
22 sec read

How To Tell If It Is A Man Or A Woman (Vid Clip) | Amstel Beer TV Advert Uses Offside

We’ve all been there, in a pub with friends, wondering if the burly looking person with breasts standing at the bar...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Watch Interesting Post Secret Type Video | Google “Biggest Regret”

“Regret the unlived life.” While this isn’t exactly a Post Secret video, it did remind me of that. To have so...
21 sec read

Miss USA Falls Again At Miss Universe Pageant | What’s Up With That?

We all know that history does have a strange way of repeating itself, but who would have guessed that Miss USA...
Julie Popp
26 sec read

New Dance Style Showcased On SYTYCD | Bollywood What?

We’ve seen everything on this show from hip-hop to ballroom to off-beat judge comments, but we hadn’t been exposed to this...
Julie Popp
29 sec read

11 Year Old Contortionist On “America’s Got Talent” | Scary Ability To Become A Human Pretzel

I’m not sure how much I like this little girl’s costume with the weird, fluffy, black tail, but she definitely has...
Julie Popp
24 sec read

Amy Winehouse: The Narcotic Woman Video | Amy Winehouse As Drugs Superhero

Any one of you who hasn’t been living under a rock for the past two years will know who Amy Winehouse...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Bagpipes Banned In Scotland! – Video Evidence Of The Problem On Edinburgh’s Royal Mile

What’s the endearing image that you have of Scotland? Men in kilts, haggis, the Loch Ness monster, and a hairy Scotsman...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Cool Subway Trick Video | A Mirror Of Twins

Improv Everywhere hits the streets again, or actually in this case, they hit the subway. This time there are 10 sets...
Julie Popp
26 sec read

Screw Viacom! Video | Rant on Google Ordered to Give Viacom Our Private Information

In case you hadn’t heard yet, Viacom is suing Google for the private information of YouTube users. This video is an...
25 sec read

Funny and Amazing Home Video | David Stephens Shows Why Juggling Snow is Hard

Juggler David Stephens demonstrates why snow juggling is ‘a bad idea’. I reckon he has just started a new winter sport.
22 sec read

4th Of July Independence Day Video | America Rules & England Sucks… Apparently

Today is the fourth of July… just a date in every country around the world, apart from in the USA where...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Chelsie and Mark’s Hip-Hop Dance On SYTYCD

I’m hot and cold when it comes to these new hip hop choreographers, Napoleon and Tabitha D’umo, but this number is...
Julie Popp
29 sec read

Whacky Contestant On “America’s Got Talent” | Busty Heart Busts Things With Her Bust

Is it just me, or are boobs this big just totally gross!? I mean, they are even lopsided and everything! How’s...
Julie Popp
25 sec read

Watch Michael Moore’s Sicko Movie Online | Disturbing Documentary Film

Come on everybody! Let’s all move to France! Or Canada. Or Cuba…
22 sec read

Man Sells Life On Ebay | What’s It Worth?

Ian Usher announced last March that he was essentially selling his life on ebay, which included everything from friends to a...
Julie Popp
32 sec read

Giving Grandma A Big Black Dildo For Her Birthday (Vid Clip) | She Seems To Be Excited

As people get older they tend to get harder to buy for. You tend to have everything you need by a...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

New Technology Video | Machine Gun That Fits in Your Pocket

Only in America. Because a bunch of people walking around with their flashlight turned machine guns is exactly what America needs....
21 sec read