Interesting, remarkable and entertaining people. Videos and TV channels that feature individuals who have done something noteworthy or have developed a bit of a following.
Interesting People
As a former drummer myself, I can safely say that this is the best snare drum solo I have ever seen....
Now that is one big mid-life crisis.
I’ve definitely seen my fair share of stunts and pissed off lead singers from concerts; in fact, Axl Rose threatened to...
I can’t say that I’m a big fan of Shaq’s rapping, but he is a pretty decent b-ball player. Not that...
I love cats. And George Carlin, rest in peace, is hilarious. Perfect combination.
Some people in our overstimulated world would not be impressed by a guy who throws together four different sounds of beatbox...
If you are a die-hard ‘global warming is happening and is caused by us’ person, I urge you to watch the...
With the sad news today that a beloved and infamous comedian, George Carlin, passed away yesterday from heart failure, I felt...
We all know that there are stranger and stranger World Records being handed out every year; the most recent being that...
There were two standouts from this week’s competition, with the first being Nigel Lithgoe’s strange crumping moves and the second being...
YouTube sensations come and go like there’s no tomorrow, with a new one replacing the last quicker than I can say...
I’ve made my support for Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States of America very clear before...
Not to give it all away in the title, but this Britney Spears mimic really does look like the pop-princess train...
Anyone who has been watching the latest series of Big Brother UK will know exactly what clip this is before clicking...
Intent on setting a new height record in BMX quarter pipe, Kevin Robinson must put his balls to wall and get...
YouTube is used in many and varied ways, as we see on a daily basis here on WebTVHub, but one of...
When my friends and I were watching this fight in amazement that someone had taken Kimbo Slice beyond the first round,...
This crazy wedding dance starts off with the typical ho hum sappy song and the newly married couple canoodling on stage...
My favorite summer reality show is back and better than ever! I was surprised to see most of the first dances...
Wii Fit came out at the end of May for the massively popular Nintendo Wii, and it has sold in incredible...
Father’s Day is upon us once again, with this Sunday the one day of the year when you are meant to...
Should I say it? Yeah, someone has to. Only in America.
I think I feel a bit nauseated right now, to be honest.
I have always been fascinated by ancient landmarks that are still mysterious today. Stonehenge is definitely one of them.
From their perspective and in their own words, these two boys share their scary near-drowning experience from what was to be...
Although the story of Adam and Eve isn’t true, and is just an invented tale to keep generations of people in...
You know what they say… Location, location, location.
Reality show open call auditions sure do bring out the freaks from the woodworks, don’t they. There are those sad souls...
Salvia is a psychoactive herb which is classed as a legal drug. It’s more just the fact that it has never...
Wii Fit is the latest release for the Nintendo Wii. It’s already proved massively popular in Japan and Europe, and is...