Interesting, remarkable and entertaining people. Videos and TV channels that feature individuals who have done something noteworthy or have developed a bit of a following.

Interesting People

Watch Inside Tony Abbott’s Sister Christine Forster’s Same-Sex Marriage Video | Australian Story

“HER parents voted ‘No’ in last years same-sex marriage postal vote. Her brother, Tony Abbott, actively campaigned against it.
25 sec read

Watch Who Was Actress Natalie Wood? Celeb Video | West Side Story Star

“The circumstances surrounding the death of Natalie Wood on Nov. 29, 1981, while sailing off of Catalina Island outside Los Angeles,...
25 sec read

Awesome Building A Log Cabin From Scratch Video | How To Be A Man

It’s one of my lifelong dreams to own a log cabin in the woods that I can disappear to every weekend...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Watch IKEA Founder Ingvar Kamprad Dies At 91 News Video

“Ingvar Kamprad, the farmer’s son turned multibillionaire who founded the Ikea empire that revolutionised furnishing, has died aged 91, the firm...
23 sec read

Intriguing Amazon Go Review Video | A Retail Store With No Checkouts

Amazon has opened its first Amazon Go store in Seattle. This is a grocery store without checkouts, with cameras and sensors...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Epic Morgan Freeman SAG Speech Video | Wins Life Achievement Award

At the 24th annual SAG Awards, veteran actor Morgan Freeman won the Lifetime Achievement Award. And rightly so. However, it was...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Watch How We’re Making Our Kids More Anxious With Mayim Bialik Video

Huh. I never thought about, well, any of that.
26 sec read

The Logan Paul Controversy Video | H3H3 Explores The Issues

It has now been a couple of weeks since Logan Paul upset lots of people by posting a video of him...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Watch Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2018 Celebrations News Video

“Apple has changed its entire homepage to mark the life of Martin Luther King Jr.
23 sec read

Shane Dawson Is Not a Pedophile Video | YouTuber Defends Old Jokes

YouTuber Shane Dawson has released a video vehemently denying he’s a pedophile and apologizing for jokes he made several years ago...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Watch Professor Green: Working Class White Men Documentary Video | Good Morning Britain

“Professor Green came face to face with far-right group Britain first in a new documentary exploring how the white working class...
23 sec read

H&M Monkey Ad Controversy Video | Clothes Retailer Accused Of Racism

Clothes retailer H&M has been accused of racism after choosing a black child to model a hoodie with the words “Coolest...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Watch Oprah Winfrey Receives Cecil B. de Mille Award at 2018 Golden Globes Celeb Video

“Oprah Winfrey fans have lit up Twitter with calls for her to run for US president after the entertainment star gave...
25 sec read

Oprah Winfrey’s Golden Globes Speech Video | Wins Cecil B. DeMille Award At the Golden Globes last night, Oprah Winfrey won the Cecil B. DeMille Award for outstanding contributions to the world...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Coachella 2018 Lineup Discussion Video | Beyonce & Eminem Headline The lineup for Coachella 2018, the festival for rich Californians that takes place in the desert, has been revealed. And...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Watch PewDiePie on Logan Paul’s Disrespectful Japan Suicide Forest Video

I know my friend Dave posted Boogie2988’s roast of Logan Paul, but I want to share PewDiePie’s video as well just...
28 sec read

Controversial Logan Paul Video | Boogie2988 Roasts YouTube Vlogger

Logan Paul, a YouTuber who has inexplicably built an envious following, has sparked controversy by filming in Aokigahara in Japan. This...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Watch Tonya Harding Scandal: Top 5 Facts You Should Know Video

“My first thought upon walking out of “I, Tonya,” the recently-released indie film starring Margot Robbie as disgraced figure skater Tonya...
27 sec read

Christmas Music Stresses People Out Video | Too Much Christmas Music!

Christmas is now less than a week away, which means the crowds are out in force, the decorations are up, and...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

This Is Master Level Begging Video | Beggar Whips Out Payment Terminal

We’ve probably all seen people begging. It’s a sad state of affairs to see anyone desperate enough to beg for some...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Watch H3H3 Discusses Coping With Fame With Philip DeFranco Podcast Highlights Video

Wow. It breaks my heart a little to hear Ethan talk about a declining mood and such.
22 sec read

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Engaged Video | When Harry Met Megan

The people who like this sort of thing have a royal wedding to look forward to. Because Prince Harry and Meghan...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Frustrating Star Wars: Battlefront II Hate Video | EA Wants To Take All Of Your Money

EA is ready to launch Star Wars: Battlefront II onto the world, but is the world ready for this game? The...
Dave Parrack
21 sec read

Inspiring Danica Roem Wins Virginia Election Video | Beating Republican Bob Marshall

Last night, Democrat Danica Roem won her election to become a member of the Virginia House of Delegates. Why is this...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Watch Female Designated Identical Twins – One Transitions to Male Video

“Taz and Raja were both designated female at birth, but Taz always felt uncomfortable in this gender role.” – YT
26 sec read

Stunning Timelapse From Birth To Adulthood Video | A Portrait Of Lotte From 0 To 18

It’s a devastating fact that human lives are fleeting. They go by so quickly that one minute you’re young and full...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Watch Last Secret Files of JFK Assassination to be Released News Video

“My colleague Ed Pilkington has found a memo from a CIA division chief regarding Lee Harvey Oswald’s contact with the Soviet...
30 sec read

Morning News Anchors Eat Hot Chillies Video | Trying The One Chip Challenge

The One Chip Challenge requires people to eat a single tortilla chip laced with the California Reaper, the hottest chilli pepper...
Dave Parrack
22 sec read

Watch Antoine ‘Fats’ Domino Jr. Dies at 89 Music News Video

“Fats Domino, the amiable rock ‘n’ roll pioneer whose steady, pounding piano and easy baritone helped change popular music, has died...
31 sec read