Anything to do with Films and Movies that you can watch on the internet can be found in this section of Web TV Hub.
“Filming got under way today on a ‘sequel’ to Love Actually – a 10-minute skit for Comic Relief reuniting the characters...
Everything, Everything is a new romantic drama about a girl who has never set foot outside her front door. She’s “sick”,...
“Cameras began rolling for Marvel’s upcoming ensemble film Avengers: Infinity War back in January.
You know that a movie is really, really bad when Jeremy gives the movie the worst rating he has… squared.
The LEGO Movie was a phenomenal success, both commercially and critically. Which has, rather inevitably, to a spin-off being made. Can...
“With Hollywood studios force-feeding audiences brand expansions mandated by nothing more than their own bottom line, it’s understandable that we’ve gotten...
“Alicia Vikander has finally been pictured on set as Lara Croft for the upcoming Tomb Raider reboot.
The Space Between Us is a new movie that tries to straddle the science fiction and teen romance genres. In the...
Groundhog Day is one of my favorite films of all time. And I don’t think I’m alone in watching it and...
Okay. One of my childhood favourites. Deep breaths. Okay. I’m ready. Take your best shots, Screen Junkies.
Josh Gad and Luke Evans, who play Gaston and Le Fou in the new Beauty and the Beast, co-hosted a recent...
There’s a new Resident Evil movie in theaters. Titled Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, this is supposedly the last film in...
I think we can all agree Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a fantastic book. But is it really a...
There’s an epic scene in John Wick where the titular character takes out a gang of bad guys sent to kill...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced the nominations for the 2017 Oscars. La La Land unsurprisingly leads...
“Speculation over just who the last Jedi is immediately ran rampant on social media.
Hugh Jackman is back as Wolverine, as the X-Men venture into unusual territory. Logan is set in a post-apocalyptic landscape where...
TMZ has published video footage of alleged animal cruelty on the set of A Dog’s Purpose. The footage shows a German...
Well… The horror genre is off to a good start this year.
Everyone loves Home Alone, right? At least the first one, and possibly the second, but not any of the other sequels...
“La La Land has danced off with a record seven Golden Globes in a ceremony marked by surprises and a stinging...
A Monster Calls is a new movie adaptation of the novel of the same name. It’s billed as a children’s film,...
“We’ve got a first taste of Emma Watson singing as Belle in Beauty and the Beast! And we have a toy...
“You might expect a big budget science fiction movie, starring two of the most famous people on the planet, and released...
“The 2016 year of movies comes to an end, so let’s celebrate it with my annual list of the top 10...
Chewbacca is a strange Star Wars character. He’s not the main man, but without him, Han Solo probably wouldn’t have survived...
Some people think Die Hard is the greatest Christmas movie of all time. These people are wrong. Die Hard isn’t even...