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Watch Suspect in White House Shooting Arrested in PA News Video

“Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez was arrested Wednesday afternoon by Pennsylvania authorities at a hotel in connection with a Friday night shooting near...
23 sec read

Disturbing Teen Alcohol Trend Video | Vodka Soaked Tampons All The Rage

Thought tampons were just for that time of the month? Think again. Teens are soaking the sanitary products in vodka and...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Watch Occupy Wall Street NYPD Raid on Camp in Zuccotti Park News Video

The beginning of the end or the beginning of stronger protests from Occupiers?
24 sec read

Watch Portland & Other US Cities Grappling With How to Handle ‘Occupy’ Protesters Video

“City officials around the nation are confronting the question of how to deal with the “Occupy” protesters who have camped out...
24 sec read

Watch Police Attempt to Remove Occupy Portland Protestors Raw News Video

“Hours after the eviction deadline of 12:01 a.m., Portland Police interact with protesters, attempting to push the crowd out of the...
23 sec read

Journalist Wears Grape Costume for Suspended Banana Boy News Video | TV Reporting at its Best

NBC 4’s Pat Collins showed he’s a cut above the average journalist when he wore a grape suit to support an...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Brett Ratner Hates Fags Video | Hollywood Director Quits The Oscars After Faux Pas

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Another day, another supposedly offensive comment gets someone famous in trouble. This time it’s Brett...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Watch Department of Agriculture Imposes 15 Cent Tax on Christmas Trees News Video

Because nothing says Merry Christmas like a tax-funded Christmas tree marketing campaign. Why don’t you use that tax to bail your...
22 sec read

Watch Herman Cain Press Conference on Sexual Harassment Allegations News Video

GOP primary candidate Herman Cain has held a press conference today to address the allegations – from no less than four...
23 sec read

Spectacular Fireworks FAIL Video | Oban Fireworks Display Lasts Under One Minute

I love fireworks, especially organized displays where thousands of pounds are spent. The only problem is they can go on too...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Duggars Pregnant Again Video | Family Announces 20th Pregnancy on Today Show

In today’s world you can be famous for just about anything or nothing, including being incredibly fertile. If you can breed...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Nook Tablet Demonstration Video | Barnes & Noble Device To Rival iPad and Kindle Fire

Barnes and Noble has unveiled the Nook Tablet, its alternative to the Apple iPad and the Amazon Kindle Fire. Not that...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Watch Crooked Lobbyist Jack Abramoff on 60 Minutes Video | “Whole System is Corrupt”

On 60 Minutes, former lobbyist and now convicted man Jack Abramoff talks about the system of corruption in today’s US politics...
25 sec read

Watch Michael Jackson Dr. Conrad Murray Found Guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter Celeb News Video

A jury found Michael Jackson’s doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the 2009 death of Michael Jackson.
22 sec read

Watch Aircraft Carrier Size Asteroid to Pass Between Earth & Moon Video | NASA Q & A

Experts fill us in and answer questions about the aircraft carrier sized asteroid approaching the earth and passing by it this...
21 sec read

Watch Damage Reported Across Oklahoma After November 5th Earthquake News Video

Residents of Oklahoma – as well as people in surrounding states – have been rocked by earthquakes.
23 sec read

Bizarre Taiwanese Animation of Dodgers’ Sale Video | Cartoon “Explains” Frank McCourt News

Are you confused about Frank McCourt’s sell off of the Los Angeles Dodgers? Well then what you need is a handy...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Andy Rooney Out Of Context Video | Amusing Tribute To Dead 60 Minutes Commentator

Andy Rooney, long-time 60 Minutes commentator, has died at the age of 92. He will be sorely missed. This video is...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Watch Lemony Snicket Explains Occupy Wall Street News Video | Novelist Daniel Handler Joins OWS Support

Author Lemony Snicket breaks down Occupy Wall Street into thirteen points, adding his name to a growing number of authors adding...
23 sec read

Watch Best Way to Move Money on Bank Transfer Day News Video

If you are considering moving your money, there are ways you can make the transition easier.
26 sec read

Watch Why Switch to Credit Union on Bank Transfer Day News Video

November 5th is bank transfer day, and people are switching out of banks and into credit unions for the reasons stated...
23 sec read

Justin Bieber Baby News Video | Mariah Yeater Claims Teenage Singer Is A Daddy

Justin Bieber may be about to become a dad. Possibly. A 20-year-old woman called Mariah Yeater claims Bieber is the father...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Adam Boulton Interviews OccupyLSX Video | Sky News Anchor Calls Protestors ‘Nazis’

You may agree or disagree with the aims of the Occupy movement protesters and the methods they’re using to make their...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

House Haunted By Horny Ghosts News Video | Family Walks in on Spectre Sex

Halloween is done and dusted for another year, but the ghosts aren’t gone for everyone. Here Fox8 takes its news cameras...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Watch Occupy Oakland General Strike Called After Scott Olsen Injury News Video

The Occupy Movement is calling for a general strike for all students and workers after soldier Scott Olsen was injured. It...
25 sec read

Watch Pope Calls For New Global Central Bank News Video

So El Pope wants a system where ‘principles’ trump ‘profit’. But only Catholic principles, I’m guessing. Ever heard of separation of...
25 sec read

Watch Kim Kardashian & Kris Humphries File For Divorce Celeb News Video

Are Kardashian and Humphries really divorcing only 72 days after getting married? Or is this some sort of ploy to amp...
22 sec read

Steve Jobs Life And Times In 2 Minutes Video | Animated Biopic Of Apple Founder’s Story

I’m a little late posting this, as Steve Jobs died weeks ago, but this video is still worth watching. It details...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Watch ‘Goldman Sachs v. Occupy Wall Street’ Democracy Now News Video

Goldman Sachs decided to take its $5000 pledge “ball” home because it wasn’t going to play anymore by withdrawing its support...
22 sec read

Watch Obama’s Student Loan Forgiveness & Relief Plan News Video | Critical Economical Changes

President Obama has outlined a plan to speed up the plans to provide relief for the millions of Americans struggling with...
25 sec read