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The latest debate in parenting techniques has been set off by the ‘Tiger Mom’ Amy Chua, who compares what she views...
When a house falls on your head as you wander along the side of a road, I think it’s fair to...
Did we really need another Fast and Furious movie? Seriously? Whether we did or not one has arrived in the form...
Whenever Bill O’Reilly talks about Holland or Amsterdam, he really seems upset about the “corruption” and “crime” going on. Sure, the...
This video shows a six-year-old girl being patted down by a TSA officer. And it’s a little uncomfortable to watch, if...
This video shows Lady Gaga falling off her piano while performing on stage in Houston, Texas, last week. unfortunately she wasn’t...
Long Island police are still finding bodies and now suspect that the murderer may have a tie to law enforcement.
This video shows ConnectU founders the Winklevoss twins being interviewed about Facebook, The Social Network, Mark Zuckerberg, and the litigation surrounding...
When I was a kid I loved to build towers from Lego, making them as tall as my little arms would...
On April 12, 1961, man conquered space, as Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person ever to enter that realm....
America’s real estate fall could be viewed as a hiccup compared to what China might be facing when their current economic...
Personally, I don’t give a damn if Obama was born in the US or not- you don’t have to be born...
April Fools Day was a week ago now, but they’re still coming in thick and fast. Some are too good to...
When German teen Regina Mayer’s parents refused to buy her a horse, she didn’t let it get her down. She set...
Glenn Beck is leaving Fox News! Hooray. I think it’s time to party. Are you with me? Unfortunately he’ll likely remain...
When a Canadian police offer declared that women could avoid sexual assault if they dressed less provocatively, females everywhere saw red....
Barack Obama may only be just over halfway through his first term as President, but the campaign to see him re-elected...
Ashley Judd reveals the nightmare parts of her childhood, including sexual abuse and incest, in her memoir All That Is Bitter...
Jim Kosek, the senior meteorologist at is a bit of a lovable nutbag. He’s now become an internet sensation following...
The Band Perry won the Best New Artist award at the 2011 Country Music Awards. Having sung together since they were...
Charlie Sheen has learned the hard way that sell out shows are no guarantee of success. Fans began to walk out...
Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons has faced criticism after he shot an elephant during a recent African vacation, and posted the...
This is a story about looking after our animal friends, no matter what the cost. When he arrived at Ranch Hand...
To celebrate Judge Judy being declared fit and well, this video features her best moments from the show. In essence it...
There’s always one, isn’t there? That lone person in a group who has to ruin everything for everyone else. In this...
This video shows a very special brand of idiocy or animal cruelty; you take your pick. It shows a pet parrot...
You’re lucky to distinguish whether most seven-year-olds have drawn a house or a human being, but not Keiron Williamson. This young...
Global News Toronto reporter Mark McAllister pulled a Serene Branson on Monday night, failing to put the words on his auto-cue...
Color is a new social networking app available for iOS devices (iPhone, iPod Touch) and Android devices. It brings photo sharing...
AP: Pastor Chad Holtz ministered to a congregation in Oxford, North Carolina until he stated that he no longer believed in...