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Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part I came out today, and millions of eager Harry Potter fans have no doubt...
The F-22 stealth fighter was once called “the most outstanding fighter plane ever built” and now one of them has mysteriously...
This is a video showing an F-22 Raptor aircraft in the hangar and then taking off. Why? And why now? Because...
After months, if not years, of speculation that Prince William and Kate Middleton were about to get married, the pair have...
The biggest shopping day of the year for people in the United States – Black Friday – is coming up, and...
Four Loko is being banned in various states faster than you can drink a beer. The media, as usual, is having...
The Golden Compass movie recently premiered on U.S. television, much to the chagrin of the religious zealots who ruined it with...
In 2009 the FDA was given the right to regulate the marketing and labeling of tobacco products. While I’m not a...
George W. Bush revealed in the memoirs of his time as President of the U.S.A. that he authorized the use of...
Jim Davis is in the middle of a huge controversy at the moment thanks to a Garfield strip some have taken...
Gene Shalit has left The Today Show, retiring from television at the age of 85 after 40 years reviewing movies.
People are feeling nervous today as the Pentagon and other officials are claiming no knowledge of why a missile was launched...
Fuck You by Cee Lo Green is a great song. But it’s even better when covered in all its foulmouthed glory...
President Barack Obama is currently in India on a three-day tour as part of a larger 10-day tour of Asia. But...
A very apologetic former Partridge Family star David Cassidy posted bail and was released on Thursday after nearly causing a car...
In case you haven’t heard, Kinect has been released today in the U.S. But is the Xbox 360 motion-control system actually...
If nothing else, United States President Barack Obama is certainly willing to admit when the people aren’t quite with him and...
This past weekend saw another political rally hit Washington DC, this one just days before America went to the polls for...
Andy Irons, 3-times world champion surfer, has been found dead in his Dallas hotel room. The cause of death is as...
The United States is watching with interest to see whether or not California people will legalize marijuana through proposition 19.
Today is the day that marijuana might become legal for adults over 21 on the California state level. Voting will be...
Dermot O’Leary, how could you? This won’t be tolerated on American TV if you get the presenting job for the U.S....
The San Francisco Giants have won the World Series of baseball, beating the Texas Rangers 4-1 overall by winning game five...
I don’t go for tattoos. While most of my friends proudly show off a few inked designs, I’m happy to have...
A man in Melbourne, Australia had a lucky escape when a car smashed into his house and on to the bed...
Earlier this week there were anti-abortion protesters at my university with graphic posters of chopped up fetuses and handouts. For a...
The Cyrus family empire has taken a major blow this week with Tish Cyrus and Billy Ray Cyrus calling it quits...
This poor weatherman at Texas KLST doesn’t quite realize what he’s stroking, while the graphics department can’t breathe from laughing so...
Natalie Shepherd’s Bikini Lawn Service has really taken off, but what do the neighbors think of her mowing lawns in her...
With tracks like ‘Mine’, ‘Sparks Fly’, ‘Back to December’ and ‘Speak Now’, Taylor Swift’s latest album promises to have a lot...