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News Videos & TV

Funny News Video | Always Clear Your Download History

Look closely and you’ll see what everyone is laughing about.
22 sec read

Beer Taps at Your Table Video | Why Didn’t I Think Of That?

Sometimes the cleverest inventions are the simplest. This is one of those gadgets: the kind that will bring joy to millions,...
Lauren Katulka
31 sec read

Breaking News Video | Girl Dies Because Parents Refuse Doctor

Is it freedom of religion or murder?
24 sec read

Iraq Political Videos | 6 Biggest Lies of Iraq – Exposing The Bush Administration’s Dirt

It’s been six years since the start of the Bush Administration’s occupation of Iraq, and there’s no telling how much longer...
Iman Peera
1 min read

Woman Stuck to Toilet Seat News Video

This news story is just so weird you have to see it to believe it. Apparently an American woman has been...
Lauren Katulka
33 sec read

Phony Lie Detector Scam Video | So This Is How They Question Terrorists?

Here at WebTvHub, we’ve already shown you a video of the world’s worst salesman. But the problem with this particular salesman...
Iman Peera
25 sec read

Strange Freak Accident Video | Woman Killed On Boat By Eagle Ray

Imagine you have rented a boat and are enjoying a beautiful day out off the coast of the Florida keys when...
Julie Popp
22 sec read

Shocking Principal Busted For Using Crack Video | Even The Cop Is Amazed

If you thought or still think your high school pincipal is a jerk, then you should check out this insane video...
Iman Peera
24 sec read

The Longest Ear Hair In The World Video | Gets In Guinness Book Of World Records

I’ve always been intrigued by some of the madness which makes it in to the Guinness Book Of World Records, and...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Sad News Video | The Village of Repossessed Homeless

The gap between the rich and the poor is once again reverting back to the days of royalty where it was...
22 sec read

Funny Basketball Mascots Fighting Video | Mascot on Mascot Violence

Here at WebTvHub, we’ve seen our fair share of shameful sport fights, but this has to be the funniest one yet....
Iman Peera
28 sec read

The Elliot Spitzer Prostitution Ring (Vid Clip) | Letterman’s Top 10 List Of Excuses

Elliot Spitzer is/was the Governor of New York, is right at this moment, but not after his resignation becomes effective on...
Dave Parrack
20 sec read

Obama Japan Video | Asian City Loves Barack Obama

Celebrities love Barack Obama, young Americans love Barack Obama, and now it seems even the Japanese love Barack Obama. At least...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Nancy Grace’s Elizabeth Smart Interview (Vid) | Smart Calls Out Nancy… Again

This lady, Nancy Grace, seems to often need to insert her foot in her mouth for one thing or another; it...
Julie Popp
27 sec read

Child Abuse With A Car Wash Pressure Hose News Video | Child Cruelty Caught On Camera

When I started watching this video, I was kind of wondering what all the fuss was about, as I didn’t think...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Amazing Disabled Basketball Player Video | One-Armed Kid Shoots 3 Pointers

Porter Ellett isn’t like other basketball players his age. Sure, he can dribble the ball around almost any other player, score...
Iman Peera
19 sec read

Republican Makes Ass Of Self On MSNBC (Vid) | Let’s Look Up Hypocrite In The Dictionary

I’ve seen Jack Kingston, Republican Rep. for Georgia, on Bill Maher’s Real Time recently, and was surprised to see such a...
Julie Popp
21 sec read

House So Filthy, Only Solution Was Demolition (Vid Clip) | And I Thought I Was Messy!

We’ve all heard of homes that are so dirty they shock any visitors faced by the mess for the first time,...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

The Oscars 2008 Highlights Video | The 80th Academy Awards Winners & Losers

The 80th annual Academy Awards took place on Sunday night, and there were the usual amount of surprises amongst the winners,...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Comedian Disses FOX News Live on TV | FOX News Equals Parade of Propaganda?

Finally someone has the balls to call FOX out for what it is, live, on FOX news; that is, of course,...
Julie Popp
30 sec read

Dog Steals Truck (Video) | I Wonder If He Got a Ticket for Driving Without a License?

The guy in this clip went to get his morning coffee, and came back out to find that his truck was...
Kristy Pruitt
28 sec read

The Earth Is Flat! Science Vs Religion Debate Video | Does The Koran Know Better?

It seems that even in this supposedly enlightened day and age, there are still people out there who believe the earth...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Funny Jon Stewart Bashing FOX Video | The Power of The Question Mark

Do you ever notice that the majority of contoversial headlines end with question marks? Jon Stewart explains his theory behind the...
Iman Peera
25 sec read

Jack Thompson Blames Video Games For NIU Shootings | Video Interview On Fox News

News of yet another shooting on a university campus last week made headlines around the world, with most expressing sympathy for...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

New Bad Baltimore Cop Video | Skateboard Hater At It Again With An Artist

Apparently the skateboard incident wasn’t the only time that officer Salvatore Rivieri lost his cool. Now another person has come out...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Spoiled Teen Beauty Queen Video | She Should Be Sent to Boot Camp

Some girls have it all. No chores, no cooking for themselves, and gifts every day. The girl in this video gets...
Kristy Pruitt
27 sec read

Australian Party Kid Follow-Up Video | Now He Gets Paid To Throw Parties

Remember that Aussie teenager that caused riots with his crazy 500 person party? Here’s a quick follow-up interview of him. Contrary...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Kevin Rudd Says Sorry Video | Australian Prime Minister Apologizes to Stolen Generation

Yesterday was a historic day in Australia, as Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologized to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Stolen...
Lauren Katulka
32 sec read