TV Stations and Videos on Political issues
“Emmanuel Macron has pulled off an extraordinary victory. A year ago his political movement En Marche! didn’t even exist. Now it...
House of Cards is back, with Season 5 making its debut on Netflix on May 30th. That means we have another...
“”The Simpsons” is trolling President Donald Trump over his first 100 days in a viral video in which he boasts about...
“Results from the first round of the French presidential election are coming in, and centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right politician Marine...
“The UK looks set to have a general election on 8 June. Here’s what you need to know.
“China has warned that “conflict could break out at any moment” as tension over North Korea increases.
“President Donald Trump on Tuesday tried to clarify his administration’s policy toward Syria after ordering missile strikes on a Syrian air...
“During his short time in office, President Trump has authorized the stepped-up U.S. bombing of isis positions in Syria and Iraq,...
The entire world is tense today as the United States launched missiles on Syria.
This is the new Pepsi television commercial. And it’s fair to say it’s proved rather controversial. But then what doesn’t cause...
“The territory, located on the southern tip of Spain, has been under British rule for more than 300 years.
“In the wake of the Republican failure to repeal the Affordable Care Act on Friday, leading figures in the progressive wing...
It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion…
After Brexit and President Trump it was starting to feel like the whole world was taking a sharp turn right, rejecting...
Snoop Dogg has caused controversy with the music video for his new song Lavender. The video has had such an impact...
Much ado about tax returns.
“The people who stand to lose the most in tax credits under the House Republican health plan tended to support Donald...
Some people may hate the US government right now, but Saturday Night Live is having a great time with it.
Another day, another controversy over something someone said. This time it’s Ben Carson, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, getting...
Here we have roof, if proof was needed, that the United States of America is odd. And that’s even before Donald...
Donald Trump is responsible for spreading fake news, the exact same thing he’s constantly complaining about on Twitter. In a rally...
In case you missed it all over the news yesterday, Donald Trump held a press conference at the White House. It...
It’s pretty clear to most people that Donald Trump isn’t a fan of foreigners. He expressed xenophobic views while campaigning, and...
One of the few positive consequences of Donald Trump being President of the United States of America is Saturday Night Live‘s...
Donald Trump has said and done a lot of dumb things since becoming POTUS, but his latest tweet may just be...
“Republicans seized her microphone. And gave her a megaphone.
Donald Trump has done lots of dumb things since becoming President of the United States of America, including publicly criticizing the...
I had never heard of 84 Lumber until yesterday. Now, not only have I heard of them, I know that if...
So that happened… Or did it?