TV Stations and Videos on Political issues
Donald Trump is running for President of the United States of America. Yes, that buffoonish guy who has been roundly mocked...
“Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) wants to require Congress to pay for any spending in the Pentagon’s war fund.
“American sex education is complicated. To understand who decides what students around the country do and don’t learn about sexual health,...
“Indiana Rastafarian says his conviction on marijuana charges violates his religious freedom.
“Ireland looks to have voted in favour of allowing same-sex marriage in a historic referendum which would see the largely Catholic...
“Has a #JeSuisBDS hashtag started trending yet on Twitter?
“US president Barack Obama has called for America to do some soul searching about violent protests following the death of a...
“President Barack Obama announced Thursday that a U.S. counterterrorism operation targeting an al Qaeda compound in January accidentally killed two innocent...
I’m really not sure what I am feeling about this. I think I’m leaning away from the prospect of her being...
Another day, another amusing Game of Thrones video. This time starring Maisie Williams, the young actress who has skillfully and successfully...
The recent law passed in Indiana is no laughing matter. In a nutshell, it ensures religious people can discriminate against gays...
Comedy Central has named the person replacing Jon Stewart as host of The Daily Show when the current host retires later...
“Over loud objections from Indiana business leaders, GOP Gov. Mike Pence signed a bill into law Thursday that protects business owners...
A close vote in Israel’s election has many on edge as they await the final results.
“It was a stunning, if not slightly angry backdrop for the solemn, sombre start to the day.
“Leading Russian opposition politician Boris Y Nemtsov, a former first deputy prime minister under President Boris Yeltsin, was shot dead on...
Netflix now produces its own original shows, as well as buying up the rights of shows that have already been on...
‘Some’ campaign promises that they weren’t able to keep? Hilarious! More like ‘broke every single promise made’. Get rid of him!
U.S. President Barack Obama last night delivered his 2015 State Of The Union address, spelling out how he sees things in...
The UK is set to have a very interesting general election this year, with Labour and the Conservatives battling it out...
Hm. There is a fair bit of defense against and dumping on her. Aren’t they just trying to censor her?
“…So far, only 44 women have ever served as Senators, meaning… the male Senators think they have the entire place to...
Jeb Bush has declared an interest in running for President of the United States in 2016. That’s Jeb Bush, son of...
The United States has held its midterm elections, and they proved to be an unmitigated disaster for the Democrats, with the...
“CNN’s Brian Todd reports on the strange absence of North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un from public appearances.” – YT
David Cameron hates poor people, wants to bring back slavery, and is intent on selling off the National Health Service. At...
“UN Women’s Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson gives a speech at an event focusing on gender inequality.” – YT
The results of the referendum on Scottish independence are in, and Scotland has voted to remain part of the United Kingdom....
“At a political strategy summit hosted on June 16 by the conservative billionaires Charles and David Koch, Richard Fink, their top...
“The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has beheaded Steven J. Sotloff, the second American executed by the Islamic militant group,...