TV Stations and Videos on Political issues


Watch FDA Allows Food Industry To Police Itself TYT News Video

“The explosion of new food additives coupled with an easing of oversight requirements is allowing manufacturers to avoid the scrutiny of...
28 sec read

George W. Bush Gets Wet Video | Former President Does ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is continuing to dominate the Internet, with people from all walks of life tipping a bucket...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Watch President Obama Delivers Statement on the Murder of James Foley Video

“On August 20, 2014, President Obama delivered a statement on the murder of James Foley by the terrorist group, ISIL.” –...
23 sec read

Watch Russell Brand On How to Fight Establishment Hold On Media TYT Video

Russell Brand chats with Cenk Uygur. How could this not lead to awesomeness? “Russell Brand says Fox News isn’t some radical...
23 sec read

Tense Julian Assange Press Conference Video | Wikileaks Founder Leaving Embassy

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has stated he will soon be leaving the Ecuadorian embassy in London, his home for the past...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Watch Israel’s Invasion & Gaza’s Grief ‘CrossTalk’ News Video | Neverending War?

“How much longer will Israel’s latest invasion of Gaza last? Does it enhance Israel’s security? Can Israel and Palestine live in...
21 sec read

Watch Sad Reason Behind Call To End US Israel Aid TYT News Video

“Israel’s economy is booming. So why is the United States still giving it $3.1 billion a year? That’s the question on...
27 sec read

Racist Woman In Wheelchair Gets Wet Video | The Healing Power Of Racial Tension

It turns out that being sprayed with water from a hose held by a black guy can heal you of your...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Watch Congress Does Nothing – Almost Literally TYT News Video | Not Just Republicans

“The people’s representatives can’t agree on much of anything these days — even calling a recess.
22 sec read

Funny Independence Day For Brits Video | The 4th Of July Is Very Different In The UK

It’s the 4th of July! Which means a great deal to everybody in the United States but nothing to anyone else....
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Watch Supreme Court on Hobby Lobby Religious Rights Video | Last Week Tonight

“With the Supreme Court ruling hinging on the religious rights of Hobby Lobby, John Oliver takes a look at other ways...
23 sec read

Stunning The Best Of Ann Coulter Video | Conservative Commentator Spouts Crap

Ultra-conservative chump Ann Coulter is back in the news again after going on an ignorant tirade against soccer. Yes, that totally...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Watch President Obama to Send 300 US Troops to Iraq TYT News Video

“President Obama authorized additional military assistance for Iraq’s fight against advancing Islamist militants Thursday, but made clear that he will continue...
27 sec read

Watch President Obama to Send 200 US Troops to Iraq TYT News Video

“President Obama authorized additional military assistance for Iraq’s fight against advancing Islamist militants Thursday, but made clear that he will continue...
27 sec read

Is The Washington Redskins Name Offensive? Video | Racist American Football Team

An argument that has raged for several years appear to be coming to a head. It all centers on the name...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Watch Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott Slammed on US John Oliver TV Show Video

He’s threatened socialised health care, help for the unemployed, families, seniors, and the list goes on. But now the Americans are...
21 sec read

Watch Arrest Obama: Operation American Spring News Video | Washington DC Peaceful Protest

“Operation American Spring, the mass D.C. rally aiming to force several top government officials — including the president — to resign,...
24 sec read

Funny White House Correspondents Dinner Video | President Obama Stand Up Routine

President Obama was in attendance for the 100th White House Correspondents Dinner, and duly stood up and told jokes as is...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Watch Crimea Referendum: 93% of Voters want Crimea to Join Russia News Video

“About 93 percent of voters in the Crimean referendum have answered ‘yes’ to the autonomous republic joining Russia and only 7...
22 sec read

Watch Fun ‘March in March’ Australia Song Music Video | Protest Current Government!

“March in March* is a national movement within Australia, to protest for a better version of our existing Federal Government, held...
27 sec read

Hilarious Between Two Ferns Obama Video | President Obama Meets Zach Galifianakis

President Obama has appeared on Between Two Ferns, the Funny Or Die chat show hosted by Zach Galifianakis. The clip has...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Watch Crimea Russia Vote Could Destabilize The World TYT News Video

“Ukraine lurched toward breakup Thursday as lawmakers in Crimea unanimously declared they wanted to join Russia and would put the decision...
29 sec read

Watch Greens Senator Scott Ludlam Verbal Smack To Prime Minister Tony Abbott Video

Another fine demonstration of how ‘carefree’ Australians use their words like whips against a leadership they don’t want.
24 sec read

Watch US President Obama Warns Russia Against Military Action in Ukraine Video

United States President Obama makes a statement regarding reports of Russian military movement within Ukraine.
27 sec read

Watch Ukraine’s New Era as President Viktor Yanukovych Runs News Video

“A new era opened in Ukraine Sunday after a day of dramatic twists and turns that saw parliament vote to oust...
31 sec read

Watch Deadliest Day in Ukraine Protest Despite Truce News Video

Truce talks have broken down overnight with today being called the ‘Deadliest Day’ in the Ukraine protests.
33 sec read

Watch How to Screw the NSA TYT News Video | Bye Bye Time?

Sick of the NSA spying on anyone and everyone? Turns out some states are, too…
21 sec read

Michael Grimm Threatens Reporter Video | Republican Congressman Turns Violent

I guess we should no longer be surprised at seeing a politician behaving badly, but witnessing Michael Grimm, a Republican Congressman,...
Dave Parrack
22 sec read

Watch President Obama’s 2014 State of the Union Full Speech Video

Yeah… You can pretty much skip to 18.15 to get to the actual start of the speech. Unless you’re really into...
22 sec read

Watch Cory Bernardi Defends Abortion Comments in Book ‘The Conservative Revolution’ News Video

“Prime Minister Tony Abbott has once again distanced himself from Liberal senator Cory Bernardi after the backbencher called for a new...
32 sec read