TV Stations and Videos on Political issues


The Mayor Of London Stuck On A Zipline Video | Boris Johnson Makes Idiot Of Himself

If anyone ever tries to tell you all English people are stuck up, reserved, and unable to enjoy themselves, just show...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Mitt Romney London Olympics Clanger Video | U.S. Presidential Hopeful Puts Foot In It

Us Brits can criticize the London 2012 Olympic Games all we want, but Americans can jolly well keep their opinions to...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

How “Made In America” US Flags Are Made (Video) | Not Technically Outsourced

So after a bunch of lawmakers recently wanted to pass a bill that would make outsourced American flags illegal, a bit...
Iman Peera
25 sec read

Watch Iceland People vs. Government Smackdown Over Financial Crisis TYT Video | What US Should Have Done

Cenk Uygur from The Young Turks get passionate about what Iceland did after the global financial crisis and why the United...
27 sec read

Funny Obama Started A Fire Video | Covering Billy Joel Classic To Score Political Points

This is a woman singing We Didn’t Start The Fire by Billy Joel, except she changed all the words to a...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Watch Obama Pushes Paycheck Fairness Act Ahead of Tuesday Vote Politcal News Video

“President Obama throws his supports behind the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would ensure equal pay for women. The measure is expected...
26 sec read

Watch Wisconsin Recall Vote Sparks Deep Divide Political News Video

What started back in February in Wisconsin continues on as debate, policies and politics all mix together in a heated event.
25 sec read

Interesting Chris Hayes Controversy Video | ‘Up With Chris Hayes’ On Memorial Day

Chris Hayes of MSNBC has been branded all manner of nasty things after he declined to call all fallen soldiers heroes....
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Barack Obama Endorses Gay Marriage News Video | American President Speaks Out on Same-Sex Rights

Barack Obama has again made history. The United States’ first African American president has become the first to publicly endorse gay...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Interesting May Day Protests 2012 Video | Anti-Capitalists Campaign In Washington DC

This is a news video showing the May Day protests happening outside the White House in Washington DC. If only all...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Jimmy Kimmel Bashes Obama (Video) | Asks About Recent Marijuana Crackdowns

If you haven’t noticed in the past month, there have been a number of federal crackdowns on marijuana dispensaries and activists....
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Dan Savage Gay Speech Controversy Video | Christian Teens Walk Out At Mention Of Bible

Dan Savage is in trouble for a speech he gave to students at the National High School Journalist Conference in Seattle....
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Barack Obama Slow Jams the News Video | President Grooves with Roots on Jimmy Fallon

Barack Obama reaffirmed that he’s the coolest president of all times with his recent slow-jamming appearance on Late Night with Jimmy...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Watch Columbia Secret Service Prostitute Scandal Investigation News Video | What Do We Know?

“The Secret Service sent 11 agents home after allegations of misconduct arose involving prostitutes at their hotel in Colombia ahead of...
25 sec read

Watch Secret Service Columbia Prostitution Scandal News Video | Refused to Pay Hooker

The Secret Service has been caught being very naughty… and has learned a very valuable lesson about always paying your hookers...
23 sec read

Watch Obama, Hilary Rosen, Anne Romney & the Political War Over Women Video

The war over women in the 2012 election campaign is positively nuclear with shots being fired back and forth – and...
27 sec read

The Fox Mole Discussion Video | Fox News Employee Fired For Talking To Gawker

This video shows The Young Turks, a political talk show with a liberal agenda, discussing the Fox Mole, now revealed to...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Obama On Trayvon Martin (Video) | Conservatives Blast The “Racial” Remarks

Trayvon Martin, the 17 year-old who was chased and shot by a trigger-happy neighborhood watchman for merely wearing a hoody, has...
Iman Peera
25 sec read

Mitt Romney Etch A Sketch Commercial Video | Republican Candidate Changes His Mind

You draw something, and if you don’t like it then just shake it away and try again. You say something, and...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Brilliant Mitt Romney Vs. Eminem Video | Would The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up

Would the real Mitt Romney please stand up? Leading Republican candidate takes on Eminem and fails.
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Watch Outlaw Occupy: US Laws Set to Crush Protests With Jail Threats News Video

“New York City police are investigating death threats made against staff through the phone and on twitter. This after officers forcibly...
23 sec read

Hank For Senate Anti-Campaign Video | Canines For A Feline-Free Tomorrow Fight

Hank the cat is running for the U.S. Senate. The 9-year-old moggy is hoping to claim a seat in the state...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Watch George Clooney Released Following Arrest at Sudanese Embassy Celeb News Video

“After his release from a Washington police station, George Clooney talks about why he was protesting and what his girlfriend will...
30 sec read

Funny Rich Kids For Romney Video | Political Satire For 2012 U.S. Presidential Election

Mitt Romney is considerably richer than you. Unless you’re Bill Gates or Carlos Slim. Which I’m guessing you’re not.
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Watch Eben Moglen & The Freedom Box Video | Standing Up for Your Online Privacy

These are the front-line warriors in a battle most of us have barely heard of – the battle for your personal...
22 sec read

Obama and Cameron Watch Basketball Video | President and Prime Minister Cosy Up

U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron are doing the old pals act while the latter is on...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Watch HBO 2008 Election Film ‘Game Change’ Trailer Video | John McCain & Sarah Palin

“This new HBO film follows John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign, from his selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running...
24 sec read

Watch ‘Who is Joseph Kony?’ Protest by Invisible Children Viral Campaign (Video)

Wondering what all this ‘Joseph Kony’, Kony campaign, and related searches are all about? Check out this video.
22 sec read

Watch New US Government Bill Threatens First Amendment Rights TYT Video | Protests Becoming Illegal in US

So… Americans… You’ve lost plenty of your rights so far, the US President can now kill you without due process and...
25 sec read

Watch Stuxnet Virus: Threat to Global Security 60 Minutes News Video | Pandora’s Computer Virus

Take Pandora’s Box, put it online and let it roam free. That is the kind of threat level security teams around...
21 sec read