TV Stations and Videos on Political issues


Watch Keene, NH Marijuana Supporters Smoke Pot in Public Video | Police Stop Arresting Smokers

Make sure to read the description. “The Free-Staters started a 420 Cannabis Calebration movement in Keene, NH, where everyone bands together...
24 sec read

Barack Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize Video | Does American President Deserve Top Honor?

The American President, Barack Obama, has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009. But does he really deserve it, honestly?
Dave Parrack
39 sec read

Amazing Latest ‘Did You Know?’ 4.0 Video | Updated Revealing Facts About Technology

Last year’s ‘Did You Know’ viral sensation got millions of views and introduced new facts about social-networking and technology. This year’s...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Conservatives Plan to Rewrite Bible News Video | Liberal Bias to be Removed

What do you do when a major religious text doesn’t go along with your political policies and beliefs? Why, rewrite the...
23 sec read

Watch Alan Colmes & Dr. Monica Crowley on O’Reilly (Video) | Obama & Iran Discussion

Alan Colmes and Dr. Monica Crowley sit down on Bill O’Reilly’s show to discuss politics, Obama speech and policy, Iran and...
24 sec read

Imus In The Morning FBN Video | Don Imus Makes Debut On Fox Business Network

Don Imus is one of the most controversial radio hosts in America. Despite, or maybe because of, this he doesn’t seem...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Forced Swine Flu Vaccinations and Quarantine in Massachusetts News Video | Obviously Not Constitutional Proposals

Some government bodies in Massachusetts are proposing distinctly unconstitutional behavior, including being able to take away children from parents who refuse...
22 sec read

Noam Chomsky On “Support Our Troops” Video | Patriotic Slogan Or Just Propaganda?

We see it all to often on bumper stickers these days but what does the slogan “Support our Troops” really stand...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

General McChrystal on CBS 60 Minutes Preview (News Video) | US Afghanistan War Commander Interview

Meet General Stanley McChrystal, the man charged with turning things around in Afghanistan. He is also the man who just recently...
21 sec read

Is Glenn Beck A Racist? (Video) | Stumbles At Defining ‘White Culture’ For Katie Couric

Whenever I see a Glenn Beck book on the NY Time’s Best-Sellers list, I still can’t believe it. Not because of...
Iman Peera
38 sec read

The Obama Health Care Plan Summary (Video) | 4 Minutes Of Facts

“It was a good idea When senator John McCain proposed it…it’s a good idea now and we should all embrace it.”...
Iman Peera
24 sec read

Obama On Letterman 2009 Video | President Discusses Race Issue With Dave On Late Show

Barack Obama has been hawking himself around the television networks lately in an effort to connect with the American people and...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Auto-Tune The News Video | Covering Sarah Palin Quitting And A Debate In Congress

You may or may not have seen some of these Auto-Tune The News videos by now, but if not then you’re...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass Video | President Has Opinion On VMAs Interruption

America has huge problems at the moment, with healthcare reform splitting opinion down the middle and economic woes continuing despite attempts...
Dave Parrack
45 sec read

Kanye West Interrupts President Obama (Mash-Up Video) | MTV VMAs Vs. Congress

I do love it when two hugely popular viral videos are bound together to form a mash-up. Following on from David...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Charlie Sheen Message to President Obama Video | Celebrity Call to Re-Open 9/11 Investigation

“You, Sir, have the power as well as the responsibility to initiate a truly independent congressional investigation into the events of...
22 sec read

Watch Interview with Jesse Ventura on His New TV Show ‘Conspiracy Theory’

Alex Jones sits down with Jesse Ventura to talk about Ventura’s upcoming new TV show Conspiracy Theory which will delve into...
21 sec read

Howard Stern Backs Obama’s ‘Socialist’ Speech Video | “This Is A Racial Thing”

Obama’s speech to school children, which was given earlier this week, was chastised by many. Not only was it called “socialist”...
Iman Peera
36 sec read

Corrupt Non-Profit ACORN Busted Video | Officials Caught Aiding Under-Age Prostitution

Shit appears to be hitting the fan for the multi-million dollar non-profit ACORN today. A group of independent journalists pretending to...
Iman Peera
44 sec read

Obama Called Liar During Healthcare Speech (Video) | Republicans Hit New Low

And there was me thinking the Republican party could sink no lower. But they’ve proved they can by one of their...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

Watch Obama Speech To Kids Video In Full | Socialist Agenda? No, Just Encouragement

Well, it happened, Barack Obama gave his speech to schoolchildren across the United States of America. But where was the socialist...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Obama Speech To Schoolchildren Video | FOX News Thinks It’s Socialist Indoctrination

President Obama’s speech to kids will be shown in schools across the U.S. today. And half the country isn’t very happy...
Dave Parrack
48 sec read

Watch Shocking Documentary Film Extended Trailer ‘Generation Rx’ Video

“Sacrificing children for profits.”
22 sec read

Watch the Gonzales Contata Trailer Video | Former Attorney General Inspires Melissa Dunphey’s Opera

Watch the trailer for a strange new internet sensation: The Gonzales Contata, inspired by former attorney general Alberto Gonzales. Who said...
22 sec read

Obama ‘I Pledge’ Video | Controversy Over Celebrities Pledging To Serve U.S. President

This is the now infamous ‘I Pledge’ video which has caused controversy around the United States. The reason? Because it’s being...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Obama Eulogy Of Kennedy Video | President Speaks At Ted Kennedy’s Funeral

Edward Kennedy, better known as Ted, was a member of the famous Kennedy family and a United States senator. He died...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Glenn Beck Fox News Fail Video | Would You Listen To A Man Who Can’t Spell Oligarchy?

I’m so glad I’m British and don’t have to put up with people like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O’Reilly...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

Obama Health Care Myths Video | Supports Illegal Immigrants, Abortions, & Denies Care For Elderly?

In the last three months, Obama’s approval rating has dropped 50% and so has the support for his health care plan....
Iman Peera
35 sec read

Brad Pitt New Orleans Interview Video | Actor Has Controversial Mayoral Policies

Brad Pitt is obviously best known as an A-list Hollywood actor. He’s starring in Quentin Tarantino’s new flick Inglourious Basterds and...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

Barack Obama’s Birthday Video | Happy 48th Birthday To The President Of The United States

Today (Aug. 4) is Barack Obama’s birthday. The President of the United States of America is 48-years-old. Although I must say...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read