TV Stations and Videos on Political issues
This video shows Barack Obama, the 44th President of the USA, admitting he made a mistake and screwed up. While his...
Rod Blagojevich, former Governor of Illinois, has gone on something of a media blitz over the past week in order to...
In the past week, Obama has certainly made some changes. In fact, today he signed “The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act”...
I admit to being a bit of a kook, believing in all sorts of paranormal activity that others would dismiss as...
The excitement of Barack Obama being elected President and then being inaugurated as the 44th President of the USA is over,...
TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program) is the official name given to the U.S. government’s $700 million financial bailout for banks and...
Barack Obama is now the President of the USA, but that obviously doesn’t stop him having natural urges and needs. Hell,...
Keith Olbermann nails it with this re-cap of Bush’s presidency. You’ve seen how George sees his legacy, now witness a more...
Barack Obama is now the President of The United States of America after being sworn in and giving a speech in...
If you were one of the millions of Americans that witnessed Barack Obama swear in to become the President of The...
Today in Washington DC history was made with the inauguration of America’s 44th president, and first African American president, Barack Obama....
Obama Inauguration Speech Part 1 Obama Inauguration Speech Part 2 Share These Videos: Link: Barack Obama has officially been sworn in...
Our full list of Inauguration coverage can be seen here. The 2009 Inauguration is probably the biggest online video event of...
Of course, Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech is his most well known, but I am also a fan...
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States. And it’s rather fitting that this celebration of the civil...
It’s been done before, but finally some real rappers show their support for Obama. Not the biggest fan of Young Jeezy,...
With a nod to inaugurations of the past, President Elect Barack Obama is riding the ‘Inauguration Express’ train to Washington D.C....
Obama Girl, Obama’s hot internet stalker, has announced her live coverage of the 2009 Inauguration. Obama Girl (also known as Amber... has announced that its live coverage of Obama’s Inauguration will be available to watch live via an iPhone.
Earlier this week, American politicians were given a new home on YouTube, with both the House of Representatives and Senate being...
America promises to be a nation reborn when president elect Barack Obama is inaugurated on January 20. But for now, it’s...
You can tell when Ann Coulter has a new boom out because she visits every television show that will have her...
George Bush appeared in a jovial and defiant mood in his final press conference as president. You can watch the full...
“President-elect Barack Obama on Wednesday named Nancy Killefer as his administration’s chief performance officer, creating a new White House position as...
Watch it while you can, folks. This funny, dead-on, to the point video has been causing quite the stir (scroll down...
What a difference eight years makes. George W. Bush leaves office this month a gibbering idiot, who will be remembered for...
There’s now just two weeks until Barack Obama takes over from George W. Bush as the President of the U.S.A. And...
Even though other senators are calling the move “unfair,” Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, the man previously accused of selling Obama’s Senate...
David Letterman’s Top 10 List is bona fide comedy gold, each and every night. The video above is one of the...
Yes, this audio vid does include the actual song. Just keep listening.