TV Stations and Videos on Political issues


Matt Damon Speaks Out About Sarah Palin Video

If you ever thought Matt Damon was just a pretty boy actor, you might want to think again. He shows he’s...
Lauren Katulka
35 sec read

Countdown Political Discussion Video | Palin ‘Praying Away the Gay’?

‘We don’t need to worry about the religion of a political candidate; we need to worry if that candidate believes that...
28 sec read

Funny Triumph Dog Insults Republicans Video | “I Want Taxes Lower Than McCain’s Balls”

Chances are, most of the news you heard about the 2008 Republican National Convention involved the many protesters. I’m not a...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

Hypocrisy In Politics | Jon Stewart Lays Out The “Palin” Facts For Us

From Karl Rove to Bill O’Reilly to Nancy Pfotenhauer, hypocrisy seems to run deep in today’s politics; especially when it comes...
Julie Popp
21 sec read

9/11 Chats To Uncle Sam (Video) | Should America Now Try And Forget September 11th?

The year has rolled around again to September 11th, a time when America mourns what happened in New York on 9/11/2001....
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

John McCain Speech At The 2008 RNC Video | Republican National Convention Footage

I love YouTube’s new policy of allowing videos longer than 10 minutes, as it means we get to watch important events...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Meet Todd Palin | Self-Proclaimed “First Dude”

So, who is the man behind the lady making the headlines these days? As stay-at-home dads become more and more common...
Julie Popp
28 sec read

Sarah Palin Speech Reactions Video | Vice Candidate At Republican National Convention

Sarah Palin is the vice presidential candidate under White House hopeful John McCain. She spoke at the Republican National Convention on...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Ouch! MSNBC Slams Sarah Palin Video | Hypocritical Commentators Forget Mic Is On

As many well-informed Americans already know, major media, for the most part, has been very careful about choosing words to describe...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Barack Obama Speech At The 2008 DNC Video | Democratic National Convention Footage

Barack Obama’s historic speech at the Democratic National Convention has been made available in its entirety on YouTube. And it’s definitely...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

John McCain For President – This Video Shows Why Not | Surely Barack Obama Will Win

I may be British but I still have the utmost interest in the US Presidential election coming in November. And I...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Larry King Interviews Bill Maher Video | “Our Leaders Are Bad Because People Demand It”

Bill Maher is one of those 80’s comedians that can still be “hip to the times” and this interview proves it....
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Watch Bill Clinton Speaking At Democratic Convention (Video) | Condones Obama For President

I always thought Bill Clinton was a good president. Sure, he had that whole Monica Lewinsky thing overshadowing his time in...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Anti-War Protestors Outside Democratic Convention (Video) | Chant “Fuck Fox News”

The 2008 Democratic National Convention is currently taking place in Denver in the US, where Barack Obama and his running mate...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Political Lives Video | Watch John McCain’s Millions and Decide

Does John McCain truly believe he can identify with the American people as President of the United States when he’s a...
24 sec read

Funny MADtv Steve Jobs Parody Video | Skit Reveals What Comes After The iPhone

The new iPhone has been on the tip of everyone’s tongue this summer, and as long as those iPhone ads keep...
Iman Peera
31 sec read

Barack Obama Does Rick Astley Video | Can We Call This A Barack Roll?

This video was just what I needed to start my working week. I love it because it features two of my...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

Funny Lil Wayne “A Milli” Remix Video | YouTube Rapper Creates A New Obama Song

Whenever a new Obama song comes out, chances are the only place it gets played is the internet. When YouTube rapper...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

Spoof Campaign Video | Paris Hilton Pwns John McCain’s Ad

Because even the ‘dumbest’ celebrities are smarter than our politicians. I believe that’s game, set, match Mr. McCain.
22 sec read

FOX News Officially Busted Video | Bill O’Reilly & Sean Hannity Are “Ventriloquist Dummies”

Most of us have already known this for years, but now it’s been officially confirmed. Ex-White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan...
Iman Peera
38 sec read

Funny A-Team Spoof Bashes John McCain | ‘The D-Team’ Stars Republican Idiots

The other day I wrote a post that exposed McCain for being a ‘D’ student and graduating 5th from the bottom...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

Funny Election Campaign Video | Jib Jab Pokes Fun At McCain and Obama

Get ready people. It is time for some campaignin’! McCain comes a ridin’ in on his rockets, and Obama comes a...
Julie Popp
22 sec read

John McCain Was A ‘D’ Student Video | Admits He Graduated 894th of 899

President Bush has already proven to the world that you can still be a dumbass and gain political support. Those who...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

Screw Viacom! Video | Rant on Google Ordered to Give Viacom Our Private Information

In case you hadn’t heard yet, Viacom is suing Google for the private information of YouTube users. This video is an...
25 sec read

Watch Michael Moore’s Sicko Movie Online | Disturbing Documentary Film

Come on everybody! Let’s all move to France! Or Canada. Or Cuba…
22 sec read

Funny Thought-Provoking Television Advert | Teenage Affluenza is Spreading

Because life is tough all over the place.
22 sec read

AT&T Spying On Internet Traffic Video | The Government Is Reading Your Email

Former AT&T employee Mark Klein just made enemies with the NSA. While working for his company, he found out that all...
Iman Peera
31 sec read

News Video | President Bush Pardons Himself of All Warcrimes

President Bush is pardoning himself and his administration of all war crimes (connected with the torture and mistreatment of detainees) dating...
23 sec read

Barack Obama’s First General Election Advert Video | ‘Country I Love’ Starts Campaign

I’ve made my support for Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States of America very clear before...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read