TV Stations and Videos on Political issues
Yesterday was a historic day in Australia, as Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologized to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Stolen...
By now everyone’s seen the celebrity Barack Obama lovefest commonly known as “Yes We Can.” Rebublican frontrunner John McCain would have...
I love this video for a variety of reasons: It shows an intelligent youngster with political views, it shows Barack Obama...
Porn Star Politics on Today is Super Tuesday in the United States, the day when the candidates trying to secure...
So Hillary Clinton was on the Wal-Mart board? I’m voting for Obama.
Earlier this week Dave showed us five reasons to vote for Barack Obama. I suppose we can’t take all the credit,...
Warning: This video contains explicit content. It features an animated version of ex-president Bill Clinton sitting in the oval office and...
Barack Obama is currently vying with Hilary Clinton to be the Democratic candidate in the 2008 Presidential election. A lot has...
The first Amendment makes sense “freedom of speech, press, assembly and to petition”. Though, I never understood why some Amendments were...
American President George W. Bush does a fine job of making a fool of himself without help from anyone else. But...
There is increasing evidence that the USA is going the way of almost every superpower before it, and trying to maintain...
Everyone will now be fully aware that former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto was killed in an alleged suicide bomb attack...
Amber Lee Ettinger is making headlines on YouTube and Playboy when she sparked debate and rumors with this video she starred...
Monica Lewinsky aside, or even Monica Lewinsky included, Bill Clinton was still one of the coolest, down to earth presidents the...
YouTube is many different things to many different people. Some people use it as a source of entertainment, some use it...
This video of John Fogerty on The Late Show with David Letterman features a song that rips our dear president a...
During the PBS Republican Debates, Ron Paul spoke of ending the Drug War. As he so wisely says, “Prohibition didn’t work...
When I first began watching this video, I was like, “Oh, great, more Hilary Clinton propaganda.” But then, I watched the...
We first reported about the Onion News Network, in April. The Onion brings us satirical news videos and well as real...
This is frickin’ hilarious, or at least it would be if it didn’t emphasise a real problem with a big part...
Youth culture and politics (on the whole) do not mix well. Most young adults care more about voting in American Idol...
During a recent press conference about the Iraq war and the progress of the Iraqi government, George W. Bush decided to...
Pal talk is, in a phrase, the home of revolutionary internet television. The website allows users to interact in live video...
Republican Fred Thompson will announce his presidential candidacy through an online video via YouTube, Robert Novack reports. Novack added that the...
George W. Bush, the sweet old war-loving president of the USA will probably go down in the history books as the...
George W. Bush’s days in the White House are numbered. In the animated web series of which this video is the...
While the issue of animal rights is truly an important one, there are some things that can kill just about any...
Lil’ George Bush, Lil’ Connie Rice, and Lil’ Dick Cheney, and even an appearance by Lil’ Bill Clinton and Lil’ Hilary...
Don’t you just love parodies!? There are so many hidden meanings in this short video clip from Mad TV, spoofing Apple...