Guitar Hero World Tour, the fourth Guitar Hero game (apart from 80s and Aerosmith) is now out in the USA and to launch the game, Activision got celebrities to make complete idiots of themselves.
This video is just one of the celeb-studded adverts doing the rounds, all of which show the famous stars rocking out with guitar, drums, microphone and bass.
Basically, Rock Band blew Guitar Hero out of the water when it was released last year and so the makers of the original decided to just copy the competitors and release a game which uses four instruments rather than one.
The four celebrities featured in this advert are pro skater Tony Hawk, basketball player Kobe Bryant, baseball star Alex Rodriguez, and Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps.
There’s nothing better than seeing stars make prats of themselves for a few bucks, so this video makes me laugh every time I see it.