This video is a hilarious clip from a Japanese game show. Now, Japanese game shows aren’t quite like game shows we have in other parts of the world. They’re mad, essentially, with strange set ups, and violence and humiliation all over the shop.
This clip seems to revolve around the idea of being able to stifle laughter. If you laugh, you’re out, being hit by shinai (bamboo sword) on your way out of the door. The problem is that what they’re being made to watch is very funny indeed.
On the monitor in front of them is a video of a Japanese guy who has only ever learned how to say English numbers up to 19. Any higher than that and he kind of makes it up using his ingenuity.
While his methodology of saying ten repeatedly enough times to add up to the higher numbers, it’s also hilarious to see. Which is good for us watching from afar but not good for those in the room being hit every time they crack a smile.