Lakupippu is some kind of liquorice pipe candy from Finland. This is a Finnish guy with I don’t know what wrong with him. Put the two of them in a room together and the results are magnificent.
After talking in Finnish at speed for a while, he unwraps the Lakupiippu. He then proceeds to worship at the altar of one of the liquorice pipes, smelling it, tasting, and then wolfing it down.
His reaction is both extraordinary and funny. He’s clearly a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic, but even that doesn’t explain the orgasmic delight he displays at being able to eat one of these treats.
I do wonder why his mum is filming him and putting the video up online. And also why all of the videos featuring this guy have references to the Bible and Jesus plastered all over them. I can’t help thinking someone is using him for their own ends.