Hilarious Robber With Huge Stick Video | Surely A Questionable Weapon Of Choice?

34 sec read

If you were going to rob a store, and I’d hope you’re decent enough not to even consider doing so, what weapon would you choose for the job? I’m not going to list a bunch of suggestions, but surely a long stick wouldn’t be anyone’s first choice.

Oh wait, apparently it would.

What we get to see in this video is a funny standoff between a robber wielding a huge stick and a store clerk with a hammer. I don’t quite know what either were hoping to achieve here.

I guess the robber thought he was some kind of medieval knight, and if a jousting stick was good enough in the days of yore it would do in the present day. But no, it really won’t.

Funny, but still uncomfortable for the store clerk. And the robber did end up stealing a few dollars from the till before disappearing out the back door. So maybe stupidity does pay sometimes.

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