All the different internet TV and broadband video content
Internet TV
From the moment you hit play, you know this video will end badly. But it’s not the driver’s fault. Not really....
Le Parkour or Free Running is becoming an increasingly popular sport. It originally began in France as a means of expression...
These guys either have a screw loose or don’t understand the concept of death! Just thinking about participating in this stunt...
Taking after big brother Benji, Lacey not only wows the judges, but also TV and online audiences alike. Not to take...
Not all of us can bounce out of bed with a smile and an overly cheery “Good Morning!” Some of us...
Admit it: the theme song from Beverly Hills 90210 rocked pretty hard in its day. Now twins Brendan and Jackson Kenny...
Now you can add “recruiterments” and “strategery” to your vocabulary. No, I didn’t forget to run spell check, just introducing the...
Normally when animals fight it is a horrible thing to watch, but there that is definitely not true with kangaroos! Kangaroo...
The two guys in this video are in the midst of a great arm wrestling battle. A group of on-lookers roots...
Taboo, the self-proclaimed sexiest member of the Black Eyed Peas, joins hostess Carrie Keagan in bed on this episode of web...
Sometimes accidents happen, but sometimes those accidents aren’t exactly accidents. It is so apparent in this video that the kid who...
Some guys have it all. Most of us would give anything to have a beautiful wife who adores us, and a...
Confession: I’m a monster junkie. If it is hairy, scaly, bigger than most creatures and only rumored to exist, I probably...
This guy’s goofing off, most likely after a few too many beers. It’s obvious bowling isn’t his choice of sport, because...
Watch as national spelling bee champion Evan O’Dorney gets interviewed on CNN’s morning show. Evan reveals that he is lacking the...
Bored? Here’s an idea. Get all of your friends together and make a human circle around two men holding giant Captain-Caveman-like...
Do you need to put a spring in your step? Suffering from that mid-week slump? Try Powerthirst – the drink guaranteed...
How to become famous. Step One: kill somebody important. Step Two: there is no step two. Wait a second, this could...
Can’t get enough poking fun of Paris Hilton? Known for making the headlines because of her outlandish and brandish behavior. Even...
The first televised round of auditions of Britain’s Got Talent exploded with Damon Scott, a man in his late twenties who...
Talk about cat fights… here’s the infamous clip from The View, where Rosie O’Donnell and Elizabeth Hasselbeck really duke it out....
Dutch stop-animation masterminds Sander and Maurice van Kessel have developed a beautiful and thought-provoking claymation piece in Space Intruder. It tells...
144 glasses of Red Bull + 144 shots of Jagermeister balanced between them sounds like a disaster or an average Friday...
Mississippi Braves’ manager, Phillip Wellman, threw a major league hissy fit when he was expelled from his team’s game recently. The...
It’s the music that really makes this video special. That is not to say that redneck idiots smashing flaming Molotov cocktails...
In today’s world of terror, it is important that we truly understand the roles of the people who are employed to...
Question: what do a funky reggae song, bizarre animals, and a whole host of hilariously homosexual sports moments have in common?...
Death walks among us, but most of the time we don’t see him coming. What would you do if you did?...
Every now and then, reality television turns up a diamond in the rough. Phillip Chbeeb, a contestant in the third season...
Video games have come a long way and this video clip definitely reminds us of this fact. From Space Invaders and...