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Video On Demand
Sad news for Oregon residents today as the body of missing woman Whitney Heichel was found and a suspect arrested for...
You’ve probably seen those pretty eye-catching ads on TV about this device. It looks like a laptop, it’s made with Google...
Mmm, Firefly. Mmm, Nathan Fillion. Wait. What were we talking about?
Well, it’s finally happened. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel got married in Italy.
Rube Goldberg machines are like those that deliver breakfast to Wallace and Gromit. You press one button and all manner of...
Sylvia Kristel, who made her name with the Emmanuelle movies from the 1970s, has passed away at the tender age of...
The second presidential debate between the two men racing to occupy the White House for the next four years was an...
Google is currently celebrating the life and work of Herman Melville, with a Doodle on its homepage that can be seen...
I’m afraid the splash never comes… instead there’s a sound like a cross between a smack and a slap, and then...
As of right now, “3D” movies currently being released are causing problems (headaches, eye strains) among a significant amount of users-...
This video shows the first television commercial for Microsoft Surface, a new tablet running Windows 8. The device looks surprisingly good,...
It’s going to be hard writing a description of this video without giving anything away. But just follow the instructions on...
As you may have already heard by now, Felix Baumgartner has completed his sky dive from the edge of space. And...
Oh, come on. You at least have to admit that it is cute.
Very sad news today with the B.C. Coroners Service confirming that a preliminary investigation into the death of 15-year-old Amanda Todd...
Children are the future of the world, right. So why not invite them to watch the presidential debates and get interested...
This video shows a few choice moments from vice-presidential debates over the years. Some of them make me want to go...
Just in time for the vice-presidential debate being held tonight (Oct 11) comes a ‘Bad Lip Reading’ take on the first...
The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency has delivered a 200-page report packed full of the facts and figures behind its claim that Lance...
Becoming aware during a dream – otherwise known as lucid dreaming – isn’t a rare gift. You can do it, too!
11 of Lance Armstrong’s former team mates have stepped forward, lodging allegations that not only was Armstrong doping but that he...
Here’s an idea: if your dog keeps annoying you with its outlandish behavior, why not shame it on that most public...
This is a very short, edited version of the Hulk Hogan sex tape… thankfully you don’t see anything gross. And let’s...
“Since 2011 there have been hundreds of creepy laws passed that strip away a woman’s right to privacy and access to...
It’s common knowledge that President Obama didn’t do particularly well during the first debate against Mitt Romney. Which means he now...
It’s felt like ages since a reboot of The Lone Ranger was first mooted, and then since the first pictures of...
The action gets going when the group takes over a prison and two of the ladies find a cosy community in...
Hm. I wonder if she was paid for that endorsement.
Since the first U.S. presidential debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney aired, it’s become very clear that both men either...
Steel Magnolias has been brought up to date for 2012 with a remake for the Lifetime Network. Those who hate the...