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One of ABC’s newest shows, No Ordinary Family, a family involved in a plane crash comes home to find they now...
Some things just can’t be explained, like why we yawn, why we blush when we’re embarrassed, and why hippos like to...
Lame. Cheesy. Catchy. Those are just a few words that might come to mind after viewing this old 90’s training video....
Some of the people who appear on The X-Factor just cannot sing. At all. And never will be able to. Others,...
After months of speculation and rumormongering, RIM has finally unveiled its own tablet. Called the BlackBerry PlayBook, it’s a smaller (7-inch...
When I heard that the owner of Segway had died from driving his Segway off of a cliff I couldn’t help...
Wouldn’t you vote for him?
Dirty Dancing star Jennifer Grey does the Viennese waltz with Derek Hough on Dancing with the Stars.
DivorceEZ is a very unique legal company in a sense that their advertisements are brutally honest. Then again, if I were...
Another Apple iPad competitor has risen to the surface in the form of the BlackBerry Playbook. Looks like Apple needs to...
There comes a time in life when we all must take our medicine, no matter how painful they might be. But...
Thankfully the concoction these weird people are eating isn’t feces as you may have imagined from the title. But for all...
Can a mist rolling in towards you be scary? I guess so, especially when it contains something not altogether human.
The news these days is just as much of a production as the advertisements you see on television, but do you...
Jon Stewart from The Daily Show gets interviewed on Oprah, starting off with a discussion on his Rally to Restore Sanity...
Former MLB pitcher Kenny Powers is back in the second HBO series starring Danny McBride and Will Farell.
Australia’s X Factor competition kicked it up a notch tonight as the contestants sang songs from their own musical heroes. Sally...
Back in July, in Japan and Taiwan, McDonald’s released a toy based on Sasuke from the immensely popular anime series Naruto....
If you like good movies then avoid Sharktopus at all costs. I mean it. There is nothing good about this film....
There aren’t any arrests yet for the shooting that took place early this morning at a frat house near Seton Hall...
This simple video reminds us of the joys of building with Lego.
While many of us humans like to think that we’re the only animals with “a conscious” this video proves otherwise. After...
Joaquin Phoenix has appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman for the first time since his famous and fateful appearance...
Jon Stewart from The Daily Show holds his own against Bill O’Reilly, the wannabe bulldozer, in an interview on The O’Reilly...
Tron: Legacy is coming out at in December, with the long-awaited sequel to the classic sci-fi movie finally arriving. Just before...
Credit cards have virtually been the same for the last 20 years or so. With identity theft rising every year it’s...
Karl Pilkington has a new TV show on Sky One which shows him visiting the Seven Wonders of The World. It’s...
Craig Ferguson of the Late, Late Show applies to be in Leonard’s and Sheldon’s group of friends on The Big Bang...
We all like getting our music for free, correct? Unfortunately downloading copyrighted content is illegal and although it hasn’t stopped many...
This is the segment that the world’s children will never see on Sesame Street, the moment when pop star Katy Perry...