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Video On Demand

Jumping Otters Video | Excited Zoo Animals

If anyone know what these otters are on then please let me know. Because I want some of what they’ve had.
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

‘Here You Have’ Virus Video | Security Firms Warning Against Nasty New Email Worm

It’s time once again to be afraid to visit your email inbox, with a new virus named ‘Here You Have’ spreading...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Cute 100 Cats in Ikea Video | Pet Project Becomes New Advertisement

What happens when you let 100 cats loose in an Ikea store? Something a little like this. This video shows this...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Cute Cat Playing Duck Hunt Video | Funny Feline Chases Prey Up The TV Screen

Duck Hunt is a true classic among video games. I spent many an hour back in the day shooting the ducks...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Rich Cronin Music Video | LFO Singer Dies

The former lead singer of LFO, Rich Cronin, has died of leukemia at the tender age of 35. This video shows...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Funny ‘Sex Ed Rocks’ Screamo Song (Video) | How Smosh Was Expelled From High School

The screamo band I Set My Friends On Fire and the YouTube duo Smosh put together a hilarious music video about...
Iman Peera
24 sec read

Watch ‘Dead’ Baby Brought to Life with Hug From Mother News Video

An incredibly rare case showing the benefits of skin to skin contact features premature baby Jamie being brought back to life.
22 sec read

Watch Introducing Google Instant Search Info Video | Easier & Faster Browsing

Google is singing loud and proud as they announce the new Google Instant Search which takes searching and predictive text to...
23 sec read

Funny M. Night Shyamalan Video | Cult Director Learns Terrible Truth

When M. Night Shyamalan burst onto the film scene with The Sixth Sense, he was lauded as the most exciting director...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Custom Flipflops: Switchflops Commercial (Video) | ‘Change Your Style Not Your Sole’

Switchflops have been around for the past couple of years but are now starting to get mainstream due to appearances on...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Crazy Call Of Duty Review | Angry Kid Isn’t A Fan Of Modern Warfare 2, For Some Reason

It’s almost that time of year again. Yes, a new Call of Duty game is due for release soon. but I...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Glenn Shadix Tribute Video | Classic Beetlejuice – Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)

Glenn Shadix has sadly died at the age of 58 after falling over and banging his head at his Birmingham, Alabama...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

‘Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World’ Movie Review (Video) | Underrated & ‘Better Than Sex’

I’ve just come back from a late-night viewing of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. While the movie trailer makes it seems...
Iman Peera
35 sec read

Watch Survival Seedbank TV Ad Video | By Seeds & Prepare for the Apocalypse!

Screw gold and silver. If you want to survive the apocalypse, you’re going to want seeds.
22 sec read

Watch Interview with Trace Cyrus of Metro Station Video

Trace Cyrus talks about Metro Station, their lives and what the future holds for the band.
24 sec read

Australia Elects First Female Prime Minister Video | Result Announced 17 Days After Election

After more than two weeks of waiting, Australia finally has a new prime minister, one which looks a lot like the...
Lauren Katulka
29 sec read

National Koran Burning On 9-11? (Video) | Controversial ‘Burn A Quran Day’

9-11 is usually a day of remembrance for those that died in the twin towers and those brave enough to help...
Iman Peera
36 sec read

Shocking Police Brutality Video | British Bobby Drags Woman And Slams Her Face Into Floor

It’s not just in the U.S. where the police lose it and go beyond what is considered acceptable behavior. British bobbies...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Google Logo Video | Google Balls Mystery

I’m sure most of you will have seen the new Google Doodle today. It’s hard to miss it. But what are...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

Watch Samsung Galaxy Tab TV Ad Video | iPad’s First True Competitor

It looks like the iPad finally has some really competition with the Samsung Galaxy Tab coming out. Depending on the price,...
31 sec read

Watch HGTV Urban Oasis Giveaway Teaser Video | Living in New York Luxury

Between now and October 20th, HGTV is offering the chance to enter to win a custom designed luxury apartment in New...
22 sec read

Amazing Japanese Synchronized Walking Video | Cool Unlikely Spectator Sport

The Japanese are known for their precision. Everything they do, they do with exacting skill. Even, it seems, walking. This video...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

‘Rock Band’ Video Game In The Future (Video) | Real Instruments & Holograms

We already have hologram technology being developed right now, so a video like this doesn’t actually seem that far-fetched. Could music...
Iman Peera
25 sec read

A Hunter Shoots A Bear Video | Ingenious Tippex Viral Video Advertising Campaign

Old Spice isn’t the only company using viral video in original and unique ways in order to sell product. Tippex has...
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

The History Of Labor Day Video | Discovery Channel Recounts How Holiday Came About

Today – September 6 – is Labor Day in the United States. It falls on the first Monday of every September,...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

‘I Don’t Think Hell Exists’ Says Ex-Bishop (Video) | Shocking Interview On Dateline NBC

In a Dateline interview with NBC, a retired Episcopal bishop from Newark, N.J. said some controversial words: “Hell is an invention...
Iman Peera
24 sec read

JetBlue Employee Becomes A Cult Hero (Video) | Is Our Workforce Stressed Out?

If you ask any American today that has a typical 8 hour job, they’ll probably tell you the same thing that’s...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

Terrible “The X Factor” Audition Video | Rude Chav Girls Can’t Sing, Can Fight

I always thought Vicky Pollard was simply a character on the comedy series Little Britain. But apparently Matt Lucas’ obnoxious teen...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

Predator’s Teenage Son Video | Hunter Killers Have The Same Teen Parenting Problems

Even the Predator has to deal with the issues that arise when a child reaches their teenage years. Well OK, the...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Summer of ’42 Trailer Video | 1971 Coming Of Age Drama Starring Jennifer O’Neill

Summer of ’42 is a 1971 sentimental coming-of-age drama which is very reminiscent of a certain time in all our lives....
Dave Parrack
31 sec read