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Video On Demand
The controversy over The Tonight Show, with Conan O’Brien leaving and Jay Leno coming back, is finally starting to wind down...
If you’ve never heard of ‘Harold and Kumar Go To Amsterdam’ then you’re not alone. The short film was revealed to...
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this- I even double checked to make sure I hadn’t mistakenly flipped to...
At 91 years old, introvert author JD Salinger has died from what is currently reported as natural causes.
Lee Lin Chin has built a reputation as a serious newsreader on Australia’s SBS network. But she got caught out recently...
This MADtv video would have been mildly, but not overly, funny when it was first aired a few years ago. But...
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, starring Steve Martin and Michael Caine, is an underrated true comedy that I watched multiple times.
As you’re probably aware by now Apple unveiled its new device yesterday. It’s called the iPad, and it is being pitched...
By no means should you attempt to take this tutorial seriously. For God’s sake the woman in this video only has...
The 2010 Sundance Film Festival is happening right now and a lot of people are keeping their eye on one movie...
You know how each town and city has at least one strange person who everyone is aware of but no one...
Fox News Anchor ED Hill shocked viewers on The View by announcing that she was planning to have an elective double...
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past month, you’d have heard about Apple’s new product launch, an attempt...
If you haven’t been catching up with the cool kids by religiously watching American Idol this season, you aren’t missing much....
Lt. Governor Andre Bauer has made a lot of people – especially South Carolina residents – very angry by implying that...
Have you ever heard of the phrase “porn buddy?” Well, just in case you aren’t filled in, this funny clip from...
Take the world’s largest snake and pit it against the world’s largest rodent. Who is going to win?
Toyota has caused car-maker history, but not in a good way. They are suspending sales on and recalling eight of their...
Japan is finally seeing the musical-comedy series Glee, and it’s created this kick-ass promotional video to celebrate. This sumo wrestler might...
I have a cat. His name is Hendrix. And he is one bad-ass mofo. Seriously, I once saw him run after...
OK, so this video isn’t the Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad, mainly because that hasn’t been released yet. Instead, this is...
Here’s an occurrence that’s so strange and random that it’s actually funny. At first, it’s hard to tell whether or not...
This deal has been in talks for almost a year now, but today it was made official in the US. Ticketmaster...
It must be nice to be Steve Ballmer right now. After taking over from Bill Gates as head of Microsoft, the...
Cheech and Chong are back doing what they do best, combining comedy with their love of weed. Here they sit down...
The Hangover was the surprise hit of 2009, doing incredible business at the box office, especially for a comedy. Will Hot...
You’ve already seen the top 100 cheesiest movie quotes, now see the top 10 most-used movie clichés. I’ve never seen a...
Billie Piper sits down with Dr. Brooke Magnanti, the real “Belle de Jour”, to talk about ‘Belle’s’ first experience with a...
Dad in a clown costume: Making kids more terrified of clowns than Stephen King’s It ever could.
I’m constantly amazed at the things people do on a day to day basis. Online video sites such as YouTube have...