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Video On Demand
Crazy Taxi is an old-school video game that appeared on the Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, PC, and in the Arcades back in...
The feminist movement started in the late 60’s and has progressed a lot since then. Not only do women today have...
Google is now so dominant a search engine that rather than telling someone to Search online you’re more likely to tell...
When Peggy Robertson and her family applied for insurance, they accepted everyone but her, demanding she be sterilized for coverage. Peggy...
Learn how to put a photograph into Adobe Illustrator and convert it into the strong black lines needed for a pumpkin...
Dyson announced the launch of its new product range earlier this week. Called the Air Multiplier Fan, it’s a new design...
Drivers don’t get much more mean spirited than this road menace from Plymouth. In this video we see him deliberately drive...
I remember being impressed with the simple bird shadow back in Boy Scouts. These animal shadows, on the other hand, are...
On Oct. 15, there were reports on all the major news outlets that a young boy was floating around in a...
Here’s an idea. Why don’t we go snowboarding on a mountain in the middle of winter? And hey, why don’t we...
If this video tells us nothing else, it’s this. If you are so drunk that you can barely stand, you probably...
Seeing their child dropping off the edge of the platform as a train pulls into the station must be just about...
The majority of Americans who followed the Ballon Boy story yesterday on TV for hours were relieved to find out that...
After heaps of media coverage over a six year old boy being trapped in a helium UFO-style experimental aircraft created by...
The downside to a collaborative online effort like Wikipedia.org is that basically anyone can bash bands that they don’t like with...
We’ve all heard of the X-Men, but what about the Eggs Men?
It’s very important to exercise, particularly as you get older. Early morning stretching is one of those key tenets of an...
The White House recently held a Fiesta Latina, a festival celebrating Hispanic music and culture. The President, Barack Obama, and his...
He isn’t quite as popular as The Household Hacker, but Kip Kedersha (better known by his YouTube user name Kipkay) is...
The power is probably a little diluted, but even on video you can’t help marveling at this massive fireworks display.
The line between video games (and television and movies for that matter) is already blurred too much, with kids believing they...
Ahhh, the memories this song brings back. Who knew a near-masterpice could be composed using only the Windows 98/XP default sounds?...
This is the movie trailer for a new independent movie called Uncertainty. It was written and directed by Scott McGehee and...
“More people can say more things to more people than ever in history.” The interconnectedness of the web has been, no...
As a fan of everything related with the Dragonball series, this game looks like a wet dream. World Of Warcraft may...
Some are speculating that this footage is another fake UFO sighting while others are siding with the natural phenomenon theory. I...
“Is the belief in (or fear of, depending on your point of view) God necessary to have a “good” society? What...
According to Murphy’s Law, any responsibility given to you by your superior will go horribly wrong and – if you have...
In the tradition of the Super Soaker comes the Oozinator … sort of.
There are a lot of videos on the Internet in places such as YouTube which leave me asking the question: What...