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Video On Demand

Random Harvest Horror Movie Video | Classic Dark Hollywood Film from Book

Based on a novel by the same name, written by James Hilton who is narrating this opening, is touted as being...
25 sec read

Top Gear Season Thirteen Commercial Video | Clarkson, May, Hammond and The Stig as Boys

And now we know the truth behind the origins of Top Gear.
22 sec read

Hot Miss Louisiana 2009 Interview Video | Sexy Lady Likes Experimental Cooking

I promise I was trying to listen, but I couldn’t help being distracted by your incredibly white teeth.
21 sec read

Clever Piano Playing Otter Video | Musical Animal Plays for Treats!

Porter the musical dog better watch his back. There’s a new cute critter threatening to steal his keyboard-playing crown.
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Playing Favorites With Children Video | What If… Second Man Rather Than Second Child

Being the youngest child in my family meant I never had to deal with the tricky phase of being replaced by...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

JibJab Obama Superhero Video | He’s Barack Obama And He’s Here To Save The World!

Barack Obama is a world leader who seems to be ripe for parody. Some of these are hard on him, ripping...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Real-Life Statue Prank Video | Museum Mannequin Scares Grown Men

Museums never interested me as a child, but if I had gone to one where the statues were actual people I’m...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Amazing Transformers Sidewalk Art Video | Julian Beever Creates Incredible 3D-Looking Pavement Painting

Julian Beever takes sidewalk art to a new level with his incredible pieces. Looking at the finished product, it’s so hard...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Vicious Cat Attacks Timid Rottweiler Video | Who Said Cats Were Cute And Lovable?

Who said cats were cute and lovable? OK, that would be me then, on several different occasions. I admit it, I’m...
Dave Parrack
38 sec read

What Is Juneteenth? (Video) | This PSA Explains… By Making Black People Look Stupid

I’ll be honest, I’d never heard of Juneteenth until today. Maybe I’m ignorant but you can put it down to the...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Hugging Banned In Schools Video | Latest 2009 Fad For “Crazy” Teens

Whenever “the kids” start going crazy over a new fad, the media always makes a bigger deal of the matter than...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

Eating Live Octopus Tentacles Video | Korean Food Delicacy Sannakji

The delicacies of other country’s can upset the sensitive palettes of the rest of the world, whether it’s Australia’s Vegemite, Iceland’s...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

Zero Punctuation Does E3 2009 Video | Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw Is Slightly Cynical

Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw is an absolute genius. If you haven’t seen any of the ‘Zero Punctuation’ videos, then you should go...
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

Obscenity Appears On Yearbook Cover News Video | Shaker Heights High School F-Bomb

There are very few reasons I’d like to be American. I’m happy being British, thank you. But the one thing I...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Funny Invisible Rope Prank Video | Great Trick For Gullible Drivers

Playing tug-o-war across the street can be reckless and dangerous whenever cars are around. But if you’re playing with a rope...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

British Quiz Show QI Pilot Video | Education and Comedy Featuring Eddie Izzard

Wow. This is the first time I have seen Eddie Izzard dressed… well… like a man. He looks pretty hot when...
22 sec read

Government Debt by Glenn Beck Video | President Obama Spending Devalues US Dollar

You know that the economy has truly hit hard times when Glenn Beck has to leave his usual set and ‘borrow’...
25 sec read

Belgian Girl Covered in Star Tattoos News Video | Plans to Sue After Falling Asleep in Tattoo Parlor

One of the most bizarre news stories I’ve heard in a while concerns 18-year-old Kimberley Vlaeminck, a Belgian girl who walked...
Lauren Katulka
29 sec read

Sauna Endurance Championship Video | How Long Could You Stand The Heat For?

I’ve never yet been in a proper sauna – because I’m too cheap (and unfit) to have a gym membership, and...
Dave Parrack
39 sec read

Obama Kills Fly Video | President Is A Ninja

Those people who think President Obama is weak on defense should learn the truth from this video. In actual fact, Barack...
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

Iranian Elections Rigged? Video | Jon Stewart Points Out The Facts

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Irandecision 2009 – Sham, Wow www.thedailyshow.com If you haven’t...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

2009 Country Music Television Awards Vid | Taylor Swift ‘Love Story’ Female Video of the Year

Congratulations to Taylor Swift, who won best female video of the year at the CMT Music Awards. That is not to...
21 sec read

Romantic Office Relationship Short Film Video | “Post-it Love”

This sweet romantic film, “Post-It Love,” is set to make you see the world a little brighter.
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Weird Al Yankovic Sings ‘Craigslist’ Video | In The Style Of Jim Morrison & The Doors

Weird Al Yankovic is nothing short of a genius. Who else has produced as many great songs, while spoofing other artists...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

Puppy Flushed Down Toilet Video | Why You Should Never Leave A 4-Year-Old Unattended

Right here is the reason I’m not planning on having any children. This video tells the story of a 4-year-old boy...
Dave Parrack
42 sec read

Fast Easy How To Video | Peel Hard Boiled Egg in Ten Seconds

Well I’ll be. I didn’t know you could do it like that.
22 sec read

Pregnancy Health Risk News Video | Preeclampsia – Danger to Mother and Baby

Being such a large player in influences on pregnancies and causes for early births, doctors have yet to find a definitive...
24 sec read

Awkward Salli Seat Commercial | Innovative Chair Relieves Pressure on the Genitals!

I must admit, I don’t think an awful lot about my chairs. So long as they’re relatively comfy, I don’t care....
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Comfort Wipe Commercial Video | A Brand New Way To Wipe Your Ass… If You Need One

I don’t know about you but I find wiping my ass one of the simplest things I have to do on...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Republican Calls Michelle Obama A Gorilla Video | GOP Activist Comment Clearly Racist

The David Letterman and Sarah Palin row has brought into question not only the rights and wrongs of telling jokes directed...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read