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The Notorious MSG have been around for years in the local NYC music scene. To make a long story short, they’re...
Wow, he really had me going there.
What happens when those who were killed by other people come back to take revenge on those who murdered them?
What’s better than just one ferret? A whole box of them!
Watching this takes me back. Who would have thought that Hugh Laurie would have gone on to be a huge star...
A year ago, tragedy struck the NHRA (National Hot Rod Association) world when drag racing star Scott Kalitta was killed in...
We’ve been embracing the literal music video trend here on Web TV Hub, checking out reinterpretations of classics from A-Ha, Bonnie...
OK, so maybe I was fooled for a minute but I’m not gullible enough to have got to the end of...
You will no doubt have already heard about Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska, having a run-in with David Letterman, late-night...
What do parents, Jesus, and Christina Aguilera all have in common? They all hate Family Guy and Seth Macraflane’s guts.
Do want to know what’s going on now? Right now? Well, you could venture outside and talk to the hip young...
Crop circles have fascinated me for years. No one knows how or why they are made but they continue to appear...
Chastity Bono, soon to be known as Chaz Bono, is the daughter of Cher and Sonny Bono. But she’s soon to...
Days ago when Kanye West finally released his 4-year old video for “Spaceship” off his College Dropout album, I was hoping...
Who knew that the baby delivery service could be such a hazardous job?
While you might think that a police officer tasering a 72 year old great-grandmother is never excusable, but was this Texas...
Here at WebTVHub we know true artists express their creativity in a variety of ways. Forget about pencils and paints: we’ve...
I went to see Terminator Salvation last night, the latest in the long-running Terminator movie series. It was good, Christian Bale...
David Letterman got himself in a little bit of trouble this week by making a few jokes at the expense of...
Jame Marquet Cot, also known by his fans as Jimmy Jump, is famous for being a sports field invader. The the...
While there is quite a bit of grumbling around about whether Cruithne actually qualifies as a moon or when it was...
An elderly gunman opened fire on a crowd today and shot a guard at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington...
You’ve got your regular definition and your Blu-ray, your widescreen and your full screen; love them or hate them, these days...
I’ll be honest in stating that I’d never heard of ‘imprecatory prayer’ before today. And to be honest I wish I’d...
I’m sure we all harbor a desire to have superpowers and the ability to kick ass. Well now you can, with...
The ends to which big companies will go to just to make a profit, even if it means endangering the health...
I wonder how many times they had to rehearse this scene until they could do it without screwing up and without...
Foreign cultures often have unique delicacies that make me turn up my nose. Fancy some snails? What about bull testicles? Hakarl...
Hits from the 1980s seem especially open to being mocked and spoofed. Look at the literal translation of Total Eclipse Of...
At WWDC 2009, Apple’s annual developer’s conference, a new iPhone was unveiled. It’s called the iPhone 3G S and is the...