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Video On Demand
Hulu has been going great guns since it launched in the United States (and only the United States unfortunately) in 2007....
Remember boys and girls, you need water for flushing your toilet as well as water for drinking. Store in bulk!
Recently scientists have finally discovered a skeleton that links primates to homo sapiens. They call it “Ida” and she just might...
Britain’s Got Talent rising star and internet sensation Susan Boyle has been feeling the negative influence of sudden fame and has...
This video takes us all the way to Bolivia to see Salar de Uyuni, the largest salt flat in the world.
Babies scare me at the best of times. Able to soil themselves at a moment’s notice and without so much as...
When you think of searching for something online you instantly think of Google. The Google search engine is so popular that...
Sarah East continues to say the darnedest things in this latest episode of the PopCrunch Show; “If banks are getting bailout...
Some of the biggest names in country music gathered together in Las Vegas recently to pay tribute to George Strait, the...
Can you handle some foul language? What about a little political incorrectness? Well then, sit back and enjoy the brilliance of...
Desmond Hachett is perhaps the worst father in the world. Not only does he have 21 children from 11 different mothers,...
Susan Boyle has been making all the headlines this year during Britain’s Got Talent but there are a host of other...
Maybe I’m getting old or something but is this supposed to be sexy? Wow, just wow. Surely dancing around in your...
Just a few more reasons why I love the English language (in an ‘I love you because you are funny, weird...
Once again, Jimmy Kimmel tickles our immaturity bone by bleeping and blurring things that don’t really need it. What kind of...
This footage was taken in January of 2008 where a man from Wichita, Kansas drove his entire car through city hall....
In a horrible turn of events, celebrity heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson has lost his four year old daughter, Exodus, because...
He’s still in diapers, but Keith O’Dell Jr. is a better pool player than most of us!
This year’s Britain’s Got Talent has been somewhat dominated by Susan Boyle, the Scottish singing sensation who seems to have captured...
Another day, another historic milestone in American politics. Barack Obama, the first black President of the United States, has elected Sonia...
Most fake trailers usually disappoint, but once in a while there’s always one that makes you scratch your head in amazement....
You know the producers of a show truly want you on their show when they are willing to wait six months...
Jon and Kate Gosselin of Jon and Kate Plus 8 on the TLC channel aren’t exactly bashful about the trouble that...
It looks like this Japanese man’s fitness kick has rubbed off on his unsuspecting pooch. Prepare to be dazzled by dogercise!
The Call Of Duty games have always been popular and always been pretty damn good. However, the series really came into...
Susan Boyle is a class act, both in terms of how she performs on stage and how she appears off stage....
When I travel and use hotel WiFi access points, I don’t think twice about paying for the internet- especially if I’m...
This year Ben and Jerry’s started the “Do The World A Flavor” contest to find the next flavor they will add...
Kate Winslet stars as a German secret service agent with an awful secret and has won a Best Actress Oscar for...
Remember that ‘French paradox’ study done in the 90’s that said wine could make you live a healthier life? Well, recently...