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According to certain doctors, Lyme disease may be the fastest growing hidden infectious disease in the United States. However, politics prevent...
While Adam Lambert and Danny Gokey have been generating all the buzz on this season of American Idol, there’s a dark...
Wow. That’s all I can say. Combat robots are hardly a new phenomenon but they’ve rather moved on since I used...
If there’s one thing that Americans excel at it’s killing things. Be it fish, deer, or any of the other animals...
If this is how they prepare the sandwiches, I’d hate to see how the pizza is made.
When compared to the Janet Jackson SuperBowl incident, Hip-Hop artist Lil’ Kim joked, “Don’t say that!…I’d have to get paid a...
Many people were glued to their television sets recently for the Golf Masters Tournament in Augusta. But when you’re so focused...
Michael Jackson will soon be making a comeback with a run of concerts at London’s O2 Arena. I know, a disaster...
Mark Fidrych was found dead on his Massachusetts farm, apparently falling victim to an accident while working on his truck. It...
This lucky 7th grade basketball player probably had no idea he would make such an impossible shot. The ball touches the...
47-year-old spinster Susan Boyle has made headlines around the world after an amazing performance on Britain’s Got Talent. Susan’s an unlikely...
Anyone who has ever played soccer, either seriously or just in the form of garden kick-about, will at one time or...
I’ve seen people do some very stupid things in my time but none quite as stupid as this. The level of...
In the latest edition of everyone’s favorite online celebrity tabloid show, Sarah East questions Lady Gaga’s sexuality. In the same minute...
Here’s a very cute video to brighten your Easter day. This pittbull pup is surrounded by eggs. But they’re not the...
Easter Sunday is finally upon us. This means two things: lots of people celebrating Easter for all the wrong reasons, and...
What is Easter? Well, it sure as hell isn’t a celebration of Jesus Christ being resurrected from the dead, at least...
So you don’t know how to tie a tie huh? Well, as this video explains, the process isn’t that complicated. Rumor...
A big consequence to living in the information age is that what’s hot one week may not be in the next....
Horrible. Horrible. Horrible. If any other words come to your mind while watching this trailer, feel free to leave a comment....
Whether you’re celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ or you just like eggs, this recipe is sure to come in handy...
We’ve all seen those videos featuring pampered pooches that howl along to music, but when the pup is creating the music...
Easter is, of course, a Christian holiday. Although there is evidence to suggest that the holiday started out as an Anglo-Saxon...
Easter is upon us once again and most people will be off work and relaxing with the family eager to celebrate...
Sometimes roommates can be a real pain in the ass. When talking resolves nothing, I always like to resort to a...
Skylar Deleon, who some are calling “The Power Ranger Killer” was sentenced to death today. Back in 2004 he murdered two...
I’m still trying to work out whether this video is cute or just plain creepy. I think I’ll just let you...
Gay marriage and whether it should be legal or not is a hot topic in America right now. In the UK...
I’m not what you’d call a big fan of Hannah Montana. This is mainly because I’m not female, not 8-years-old, and...
And here I thought I could not feel any less inclined to go see Baz Lurhmann’s Australia movie. Lo and behold…