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Video On Demand
If there is one metal band that deserves to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame it it...
I love how they feature clips of Sonic the Hedgehog but don’t actually feature his powerup on either list…
“Whenever I see a weed, I mow that rascal down / so all that’s left for me to see is tulips...
On a domestic call on Saturday April 4th, three Pittsburg, PA police officers were killed and others injured while responding to...
Here at WebTVHub, we’re big fans of the gentle animated musings of Tales of Mere Existence. Here creator Levni Yilmaz reminds...
There’s a fantastic new product on the market that takes all the effort out of hitting people in the genitals. It’s...
It’s been a few years since I was regular viewer of children’s TV, unless you’d put Happy Tree Friends, South Park,...
Here’s an “April Fools” joke from this year that only just recently came to my attention. This video (and accompanying website)...
He may be a technology-minded kind of guy, but Adam Savage was definitely made to be on television. Even in this...
The man who reportedly shot and killed thirteen people at the American Civic Association in Binghamton, New York has been identified...
A humble wok becomes the Everest for the cute hamster in this video. While most of us would have easily hopped...
You may have heard that X-Men Origins: Wolverine has leaked online a full month before it’s due for release. Well, lucky...
What do you get if you cross a bald-headed hard man, a pretty boy hard man, a couple of ropey-looking women,...
Sure, this skit from a Dutch comedy show is a bit sexist, but don’t let that stop you from laughing. Guys,...
Whether you’re trying to figure out how to make homemade sex toys or you are just a little confused about how...
You can always trust Monty Python to turn an otherwise somewhat boring history lesson into a strange but funny musical number.
This is our first look at Bruno, the new film by Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen. If you remember anything about...
Some people’s idea of humor is completely at odds with mine, and this video is a perfect example. What these Japanese...
I don’t know, those pesky Americans come over to the UK and not only try to dictate monetary policy but also...
Maybe it’s just because I watched it very late one night, but this video is one of the funniest I’ve seen...
They don’t need trucks or cars in Ohio; they drive bar stools.
RateMyProfessors.com gives university students the ability to not only grade their professors on their teaching ability but also on criteria like...
This incident happened over six months ago but I somehow seem to have missed it at the time. It’s not every...
Every man will, at some point in his life, get an erection at the wrong time or in the wrong place....
You could call it an interference with nature or even a suicide attempt. Whatever you call it, you still have to...
It’s that time of year again, when ludicrous people play ludicrous jokes on unsuspecting and gullible people. I can’t stand April...
This isn’t an April Fool’s Day joke, although I’m sure the creators and propagators of the Conficker virus would love as...
These statistics may be from 2008, but they are shocking nonetheless. Throw your assumptions about job security, education, and technology out...
We’ve already seen Jon Lajoie’s spoof take on Hip-Hop music videos with Show Me Your Genitals. Now, here’s the sequel, cleverly...
Most folks have wondered about the quality of their water supply at one time or another. But this family from Colorado...