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Video On Demand

Amazing Transformers Costume Video | Optimus Prime Would Approve

The Joker may be the most popular costume this Halloween, but I doubt any could top this transforming costume. One minute...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

JibJab Makes Zombies Out Of McCain, Obama and Palin | Happy Halloween

In the spirit of Halloween and the election nipping at it’s heels, this JibJab video takes the best of both worlds...
Julie Popp
19 sec read

CCN Election 2008 News Report Video | Obama Biden Presidency Online Tax Cut Calculator

You can now go to the Obama tax cut online site to calculate how much in tax cuts (about) you will...
26 sec read

Funny 2008 US Presidential Debate Video | McCain’s Flatulence Problem Rivals Farting Preacher

I needed some comic relief from the election news… John McCain needed some gastro-intestinal relief… It’s all good.
22 sec read

John McCain On Larry King Live (Video) | Tough Question: Is Obama A Socialist?

Embedded video from CNN Video With all the fuss there’s been about Obama lately, it’s almost easy to forget about McCain’s...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

Watch Obama on ‘The Daily Show’ Video | October 29th Interview & Full Episode

Yesterday was certainly a great day for Obama voters. Not only did Obama’s half-hour infomercial American Stories, American Solutions air, but...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Chicago Tribune Endorses Barack Obama | First Democrat Paper Has Ever Endorsed… Ever

In all the years the the Chicago Tribune has been in business, it has never endorsed a democrat. And that is...
Julie Popp
25 sec read

Watch 30 Minute Obama Ad Online | Democratic Infomercial on YouTube

Barack Obama is currently leading the polls in the race for the White House. But with the 2008 Presidential election almost...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Bush 41 and Bush 43 Video | Like Father Like Son… Unfortunately

With the 2008 U.S. Presidential election drawing near, it’s easy to forget that November 4th also signals the last day in...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Political News Video | Strong Democratic Leader Sparks Rise in Gun Sales

For this election, I don’t think it’s so much the election and political leaders as it is the state of the...
22 sec read

Colbert Report Video | Mark Ciptak Names Newborn Daughter Sarah McCain Palin Behind Wife’s Back

In my marriage, that would be grounds for divorce if he didn’t get it fixed. Fast.
24 sec read

‘Just The Facts!’ Web Series Checks Election Lies | FactCheck.org’s Weekly Webcast

‘Just The Facts!’ is perhaps the most useful web series to keep an eye on during our current 2008 Presidential election....
Iman Peera
41 sec read

Teen Shot For Stealing McCain Sign Video | “Warning Shots” Yeah Right

You’ve probably heard about these kind of pranks happening all the time. One day, there’s an election sign (in this case...
Iman Peera
38 sec read

Funny Japanese Hooker English Lesson Video | “Useful For Your Everyday Life” (NSFW)

Wacky Japanese? Check. Inappropriate? Check. Hilarious? Check. All you aspiring hookers be sure to grab your memo pad!
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Synchronized Presidential Debating Video | Ever Had Obama and McCain Deja Vu?

Is it just me or does it feel like the build-up to the 2008 Presidential election has been going on for...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Watch Barack Obama Inauguration Day Speech Online | Live Streams & Videos

In anticipation of Barack Obama entering the White House this page has been here since October the 29th. Here you will...
Chris Tew
3 min read

Barack Obama & Rashid Khalidi Links Video | Obama’s Friendship With Terrorist Spokesman

There’s trouble brewing over an alleged friendship between the man who could be President next week, Barack Obama, and former terrorist...
Dave Parrack
47 sec read

Crazy Spanish Game Show Video | Running Beats Walking On Water

This clip is taken from a Spanish game show called Científico Loco– literally meaning “crazy scientist.” But judging by the way...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

Hacked Chrono Trigger Video | Best Nerd Marriage Proposal Ever!

I know declaring this marriage proposal the best ever makes me a nerd as well, but to hack your girlfriend’s video...
23 sec read

Michelle Obama on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” Video | Barack Obama’s Wife Shines on TV Talk Show

All eyes are on Barack Obama and John McCain as the world anxiously awaits to discover who will be the next...
Lauren Katulka
27 sec read

Bill Cosby Exhibiting Dementia On ESPN (Video) | Or Maybe He’s Just Drunk?

Bill Cosby is getting on a bit, being 71 years of age now. But he’s still being asked to appear on...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Obama Assassination Plot Foiled By FBI (News Video) | Neo-Nazi Teenagers Planned Murder

Barack Obama’s race was always going to be an issue, both in a good way, and a bad one. While most...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Amazing Science Experiment Video | How To Make “Hot Ice” Sculptures

The word “hot” doesn’t usually come to mind when you think of ice, yet this experiment shows you how to easily...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Funny Talk Show Clips Video | Late Night Television Takes on 2008 Election

The election draws closer and the jokes keep coming faster.
22 sec read

‘Kelly’s Court’ Fox News Vid | Sarah Palin Look-a-Like Porn Video Legal?

I love how they liken Saturday Night Live to the porn industry. But it is an interesting issue.
22 sec read

Senator Biden Interviewed By A Right-Wing Nut Video | “Is That A Real Question?!”

WFTV, a CNN affiliated local station in Florida, interviewed Senator Joe Biden just days ago. But instead of asking fair questions...
Iman Peera
31 sec read

Barack Obama ‘Defining Moment’ Political Advert Video | Giving Floating Voters A Nudge

There’s now just days left to the U.S. Presidential election and the candidates are closing their campaigns. In this video, Barack...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Wassup Budweiser Boys Obama Campaign Ad Video | Political Satire Advert

It’s been eight long years since a bunch of brothers connected over the phone with that immortal catchprase “Wassup.” In this...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Guitar Hero World Tour Video | Kobe Bryant, Tony Hawk, Alex Rodriguez, Michael Phelps

Guitar Hero World Tour, the fourth Guitar Hero game (apart from 80s and Aerosmith) is now out in the USA and...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

Sarah Palin Declares Scientific Research ‘Little to Do With Public Good’ | MSNBC Video

For want of a fruit fly… This is definitely one of those videos that you watch and then wince, knowing the...
23 sec read