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Those damn part-time puffers get you every time. Time to move on to better investments.
Think very carefully about the person you choose to be your best man. Sure handing over the rings seems like such...
Chris Rock’s latest stand up special ‘Kill The Messenger’ is possibly the most political he’s ever done. Hell, the first 15...
The battle for the White House is hotting up. While the main war of attrition is between John McCain and Barack...
The painting the Mona Lisa with Paint Balls comes a little later in the video, but the brief beginning is still...
Rock week is one of those notorious Idol themes. The contestants who love the genre typically soar, while the soul stars,...
Even though many of the band members in Weezer are approaching 40, they don’t seem to be slowing down in their...
Now that we’re in the grip of a global recession, the credit crunch is well and truly here. One of the...
Lets state the obvious: Amy Winehouse is still drunk, the Jonas Brothers are still gay, and the Spears family is still...
Both John McCain and Barack Obama are decent human beings, they just differ in their political views. So it’s good to...
Chances are, you’ve probably never heard of the Canadian cult show jPod that aired, and got cancelled, earlier this year. The...
If racial stereotypes are in commercials at all, they’re usually suttle. This ad, on the other hand, is obvious beyond belief....
It’s unimaginable to not have the use of your arms. They are almost essential to doing anything in this word, and...
Ok, I cannot be the only one to find Rachel Ray a little bit annoying, and, as a perfect pun for...
When it comes to making it in the music industry, it’s important to remember that getting on American Idol. isn’t a...
T.I.’s new single “Whatever You Like” is currently at the top of the charts. It’s lyrics, like most rap songs these...
From Paris to Kim, sex tapes are the new “in” thing for B-list celebrities to do. And what kind of celebrity...
If you’re wondering how the global economy got in the state it’s currently in, you need look no further than the...
“Take On Me” by Norwegian popstars a-ha may just be the most perfect thing to come out of the 1980s. That...
Drew Carey has been a lot of things: a game-show host, an actor, and a stand up comedian. But what you...
When I was a kid I used to love swinging high. I had a fantasy that one day I might swing...
If it’s not already bad enough having Gordon Brown in charge of the country, we’ve now had to listen to him...
Don’t get me wrong, I love David Blaine’s street magic. But when it comes to making fun of him, I find...
We already know what a bunch of idiots Fox News reporters can be, but what about fake Fox News reporters? Here...
Whenever I visit my parents it seems the one who is happiest to see me is the family dog Charlie. He...
I have mixed feelings on extreme sports: I love watching them but am too scared to ever participate in them myself....
Above is the latest music video from Massachusetts hip-hop group The East Coast Avengers. Contrary to what some of you may...
Take one sexy celebrity chef. Add a phallic-looking vegetable. Sprinkle with enthusiasm and you’ve got this hot cooking clip! Rachel Ray...
Rickrolling isn’t a new phenomenon, having been around for a good couple of years now. But this April Fool’s saw Google...
You may recall the award-winning documentary Zeitgeist that was released last year. It was composed of three parts: 1) the Jesus...