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Video On Demand
In the short time since Sarah Palin was announced as running mate for Republican Presidential election candidate John McCain, she has...
Emmanuel Jal doesn’t fit your typical rapper stereotype. To begin with, he was actually raised to be a child solider in...
Starting this week, MTV and HP have teamed up to find the best digital artists in the world. Teams from Europe,...
We’ve all heard of those Girls Gone Wild DVDs catching pretty young things misbehaving on spring break. But what if perky...
This video proves that animation doesn’t have to be spectacularly rendered or beautifully drawn. So long as there’s a storyline there,...
Since he came out slinging in 1960, “Bad” Bob Munden has amazed audiences with his lightning-fast shooting skills. Here you’ll see...
I’m a huge gamer and have owned a games machine of some kind or other since the Atari 800XL in 1983…...
For some reason, videos of million dollar cars don’t interest me. Unless, of course, they include fatasses stuck in them. If...
When I started to watch this video, I was simply impressed by this yoga-loving mom’s skills. I expected to see the...
Dogs can be very clever and cunning, especially when it comes to escapes from yards or kennels. Many dog owners scratch...
People download copyrighted music from the Internet all the time, and it’s an issue that is not only bothering record companies,...
Yeah, I’m jealous all over the place about this one. A combination of music, art, and video editing skill, this short...
It’s shocking to find out that your cell phone bill exceeds the $100 limit, but what about the $19,000 mark? Those...
Okay, staged or not, this video is still good to watch for laughs.
Dr. Edward Rondthaler has learned a lot in his 103 years. He’s a noted typographist and the chairman of the American...
Spore was meant to be a new masterpiece from The creator of The Sims and Sim City, Will Wright, and his...
This is the first time I will have ever read a book because the movie based off it was so crappy...
If you’ve had a bad day, then look no further. This latest edition of the PopCrunch show is sure to brighten...
I think you realize you’re getting older when the people you idolize begin to pass away. We lost another of my...
Gordon Brown waited ten years for Tony Blair to give up his post as Prime Minister of Britain, and now that...
It’s a case of do as I say and not as I do for Hayden Panettiere in this tongue-in-cheek public service...
Jessica Rose, more commonly known as Lonelygirl15, is now starring in a new MySpace & Warner Bros development titled Sorority Forever....
After finding the last Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld commercial extremely dull, I had nothing but low expectations for this latest...
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin and Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton; ah, what a pair. These comedic women certainly capture the...
“We can’t afford four more years of out of touch, you’re on your own leadership.” – I couldn’t have said it...
I’ve seen some cool cat videos in the past, but this has got to be my new favourite. It features a...
Oh, you know you do it. Queue strategy is of utter importance.
If anything, it’s expected of most 90 year-olds to frown upon getting tattoos of any kind. Agnes Falls, on the other...
Hurricane Ike is a tropical cyclone that has hit Haiti, Dominican Republic, Cuba, and now the United States of America. It...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi3erdgVVTw Not to long ago, I shared a video of an extremist group of hippies crying over dead trees. You could...