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Video On Demand
When the folks at Eepybird made a video documenting the effects of combining Diet Coke with Mentos they created internet history....
Just give Berlin to the Palestinians. It’ll all work out.
Hurricane Ike may not have been as powerful as either Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Andrew, but the category 2 storm still...
If you ever thought Matt Damon was just a pretty boy actor, you might want to think again. He shows he’s...
Considered to be one of the most intelligent of birds for various reasons, it’s no wonder that this grey parrot is...
The Channel Tunnel is a marvellous achievement of engineering prowess that has brought the UK closer to the European mainland than...
Could the biggest baddest Hollywood star be a killer? Here director Walter Boyle reveals the dark secret behind all of Arnie’s...
Canada has spoken: the new Canadian Idol is Theo Tams! Despite living all the way over in Australia I’ve been sucked...
For some people an approaching hurricane indicates a time to board up your house, pack yourself and your family and get...
Apple recently held its Let’s Rock (cheesy name, nice products) event in San Francisco. Apple CEO Steve Jobs was once again...
‘We don’t need to worry about the religion of a political candidate; we need to worry if that candidate believes that...
We all think of athletes as focused fitness freaks who believe their bodies are temples. Meet Ivan Ukhov, a Russian high...
Just because the golf master known as Tiger Woods is out for surgery (and having another baby apparently), doesn’t mean he...
The Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas is known for it’s famous water show. You may have seen it’s fountains in movies...
CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is a scientific centre based in Geneva, Switzerland. It’s where the World Wide Web...
I know what I want for Christmas, and I’m not talking about Adam Savage.
Chances are, most of the news you heard about the 2008 Republican National Convention involved the many protesters. I’m not a...
I take my hat off to this baseball player. As he approaches the home plate, it seems inevitable that he’ll be...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EZghUGBETc Spore is the new PC game from The Sims creator Will Wright. It is a game which sees you create...
Imagine this… you are driving up the road and you come around the corner to find a strange, unidentifiable object wedged...
American companies would have you believe that HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup) isn’t harmful to your body. Take the above outrageous commercial...
Yet another awesome talk and demonstration from the TED Talks.
I’ve watched plenty of cat videos in my time, but I’m pretty sure this is my favorite. It takes all the...
From Karl Rove to Bill O’Reilly to Nancy Pfotenhauer, hypocrisy seems to run deep in today’s politics; especially when it comes...
The year has rolled around again to September 11th, a time when America mourns what happened in New York on 9/11/2001....
I don’t think I will tell anyone to ‘stick a fork in it’ ever again…
When artist Toby Jones lost his mother to breast cancer in 2001 his life changed forever. In memory of his mom...
I love YouTube’s new policy of allowing videos longer than 10 minutes, as it means we get to watch important events...
I myself have campaigned for the prevention of global warming, but I’d never, in my wildest dreams, have thought that such...
We’ve all seen videos starring show-off pooches and know-it-all parrots. But what about the real stars of the animal kingdom? What...