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Video On Demand

Rachel Wins Big Brother 9 UK (Video) | Davina McCall Interviewing BB9 Rachel Rice Live

Last night saw the final of Big Brother 9, with the remaining five house mates informed which order they finished in,...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Funny Short Film Video | What If the FCC Censored Your Life?

Holy sh!t. B00bies! No, no I really couldn’t resist.
22 sec read

Katy Perry Goes Topless For Charity Video | PopCrunch’s Midget Porn Webisode

Contrary to what the title of this episode would have you think, there really isn’t any midget porn in this edition...
Iman Peera
33 sec read

Adam Savage Falling Off a Treadmill in Slow Motion Video | Comedy Gold from the Mythbuster

Here at Web TV Hub, we’re big fans of slow motion. I’ve seen some beautiful slow-mo videos, some educational ones, but...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Meet Todd Palin | Self-Proclaimed “First Dude”

So, who is the man behind the lady making the headlines these days? As stay-at-home dads become more and more common...
Julie Popp
28 sec read

Interesting News Video | ‘Designer’ Savannah Cats

Designer cats? Yeah, that makes my hope for the human race dwindle a bit… NOTE: Audio and video not synched up...
22 sec read

Jerry Seinfeld Microsoft Advert (Video Clip) | Bill Gates In A Shoe Circus… Not Very Funny

It was announced earlier this month that Microsoft was preparing a $300 million advertising campaign to counter the very successful Mac...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Funny Relationship Instructional Video | Stop a Row With Your Girlfriend in 30 Seconds

I hate to admit it, but there are plenty of guys I know who could do well to watch this video…
22 sec read

Lily Allen Versus Elton John at GQ Awards Video | Drunk Pop Star Takes on Living Legend

Lily Allen is as famous for her social indiscretions as she is her music. If she’s not topping the charts, she’s...
Lauren Katulka
29 sec read

Strange Touchdown Celebration | Spiderman And Football… I Don’t Get It

This Toronto Arognaut showoff, Arland Bruce, enacts a strange touchdown celebration that cost his team a penalty and made a lot...
Julie Popp
25 sec read

Sarah Palin Speech Reactions Video | Vice Candidate At Republican National Convention

Sarah Palin is the vice presidential candidate under White House hopeful John McCain. She spoke at the Republican National Convention on...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Ouch! MSNBC Slams Sarah Palin Video | Hypocritical Commentators Forget Mic Is On

As many well-informed Americans already know, major media, for the most part, has been very careful about choosing words to describe...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Cool David Letterman Feature Video | The Toreador Song on Glass Bottles

Master of the Unusual, indeed. Michel Lauzeire plays the Toreador song from the musical Carmen, but it’s not the usual playing...
23 sec read

Cute Kid’s a Jukebox Hero Video | Little Foreigner Fan Lip-Synchs with Flair

Here’s your daily dose of cute. On paper a young boy lip-synching to Foreigner doesn’t sound too exciting, but this little...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

ScienCentral: Interesting Weekly Science Videos | YouTube Channel With Latest Tech News

Perhaps you’ve already heard of ScienCentral. After all, many of their made-for-web videos have been featured on ABC’s local TV affiliate...
Iman Peera
33 sec read

Amazing 2 Year-Old Kid Golfing Video | The Next Tiger Woods?

Here’s another kid to add to the list of talented tikes. Grayton is only 2 years old, yet he’s already swings...
Iman Peera
24 sec read

Google Chrome Browser Video Announcement | Competition For Firefox, Opera & IE8

It emerged this week that Google has developing been developing a new browser for the last two years. Named Chrome, it...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Theo Tams “Canadian Idol” Top 3 Video | Amazing Cover of Bryan Adams’ “Heaven”

All through this season of Canadian Idol I’ve said what a close race it is. But with the elimination of Earl...
Lauren Katulka
29 sec read

Underground Fighter Gets The TKO | Nobody Likes A Showoff

I don’t know what it is, but I’ve been into fighting stuff lately, and this underground fight video definitely caught my...
Julie Popp
25 sec read

‘Disaster Movie’ Review By Spill.com (Video) | There Are Bad Movies, Then There Is This

Disaster Movie is the latest movie in the franchise that has brought us Epic Movie and Meet The Spartans. But they’re...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Sexy Lesbian Girls Kissing Videos – Hot & Horny Movie Babes!

Top 15 Celebrity Kiss & Licking Scenes If you’re at work, you might want to prepare your pants. If you’re not,...
Iman Peera
2 min read

Amazing Animals in a Trance Video | Hypnotized Pigeons, Chickens, and Alligators!

We’ve all heard of hypnotists convincing humans that they’re chickens. But what about hypnotists putting chickens in a trance? You’ll see...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Recent Hurricane Gustav Video | Raw Footage of Franklin, Louisiana Pounded by Gustav

While the world focuses on the impact of the storm on New Orleans, some people forget that New Orleans isn’t the...
22 sec read

Hurricane Gustav Surfing: The New Extreme Sport

Bringing the ‘cool’ back to surfing. Or hurricanes. Or idiocy.
22 sec read

Funny Bar Code Prank Video | How To Trigger False Alarms At The Store

Here’s a simple, yet potentially very funny prank you can use on your friends to cleverly frame them as shoplifters. I’m...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Digg Dialogg Video Interview With Nancy Pelosi At DNC | User Submitted Questions

Digg is a social media community which lets users choose the best stories on the Internet and then vote them up...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

Rottweiler Dog Playing With Cute Kitten (Video) | Just One Bite & He’d Be A Goner

My girlfriend and I recently bought a kitten, who is called Hendrix, is six months old, and a pain in the...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Sexy and Funny “CSI: Miami” Ad Video | The Suspect Every Male Cop Wants to Cross Examine

I might be a straight female, but even I got a giggle from this clever ad for the popular crime drama...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Shop At Home Bloopers Video | Anything can Happen on Late Night Live Television

Who knew the home shopping channels could be so funny? These bloopers just keep getting better and better as the video...
23 sec read

Funny Chinese Singer From South Park Video | Female William Hung Covers ‘Mama Mia’

It’s not that she can’t hit the notes (hell, I’d say she gives Britney Spears a run for her money), but...
Iman Peera
33 sec read