On Demand Video Over the internet

Video On Demand

Watch ‘Skins’ Full Episodes Online | Streaming Channel 4 Teen Drama Series 1 & 2

If you haven’t heard of the British Teen drama series ‘Skins,’ then you either don’t live in Britain, or you’re simply...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Animated Music Video | My Black Dog by The Adventures of Loki

This awesome animated video set to ‘My Black Dog’ by ‘The Adventures of Loki’ has a dark and mysterious feel that...
23 sec read

Fired Up Cop Arrests Fireman At Accident Scene (Vid) | Cop Pays Punitive Damages

With as many videos out there as there are idiots who hit cars and people alike parked on the sides of...
Julie Popp
34 sec read

Japanese “We Are The World” Video | Celebrity Impersonators Recreate Classic Song

The sappy star-powered charity single We Are The World stormed up the charts in the 80s, giving a voice to the...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Shameful Sports Car Video | Ford Mustang vs. Real Mustang Horse

One would think, that after 100 years of “perfecting” the Ford Mustang, it would be faster than an actual mustang horse....
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Is Killing A Dog In Public, Art? | Video Petition Showing A Costa Rican Artist’s ‘Work’

Can killing something ever be considered art? Costa Rican ‘artist’ Guillermo “Habacuc” Vargas certainly thinks so, as he allegedly killed a...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Nora Breaks Free: Funny Teen Web Series | Like A High School Comedy Movie But Shorter

Nora Breaks Free is one of those typical teen movies packed into short 7-10 minute webisodes. It’s like your average American...
Iman Peera
32 sec read

The Worst Hockey Fight Video In History | Two NHL Players Square Off

This has to be one of the worst NHL hockey fights in history. Last year, the Montreal Canadians were against the...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Funny Television Video | Mythbusters Meet Ask a Ninja

Who knew that gravity doesn’t exist?
22 sec read

Does Breast Staring Burn As Many Calories As Exercise? | Brainiac Experiment Video

Wow, what a great experiment, I wish I had taken part in it! Brainiac is one of the best shows on...
Dave Parrack
21 sec read

Amazing Egg Eating Snake Video | It’s Dinner Time!

Snakes may not be your ideal dinner guests, but it’s fascinating to watch them eat. Their jaws can literally dislocate to...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Cute Animated Video | “Something Fishy” Under The Sea

I remember when animated shorts were fairly simple hand drawn cartoons. Nowadays everything is computer generated with CGI effects. While some...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Cerealized: Funny Weekly Web Series | ‘Part Of Your Unbalanced Breakfast’

Rocket Ace Pictures, the same people that brought you The Imponderables comedy troupe, also produce the on-going web series ‘Cerealized’. Much...
Iman Peera
38 sec read

Strong Crosswinds Tip Two Semi-Trucks (Vid) | Monkey See, Monkey Do

One would think that after this semi truck that wasn’t knocked over saw another semi truck that was knocked over, he...
Julie Popp
27 sec read

Amazing Talking Cat Trick Video | Cat Speaks & This Time It’s Real

Not too long ago at WebTvHub, we shared a video that claimed to translate the “meyow” language that cats speak. But...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Gravityland | A New Weekly Web TV Series That Encourages Interactivity & Improvisation

New Web television shows seem to be coming thick and fast these days, as people realise there is an opportunity to...
Dave Parrack
40 sec read

Child Abuse With A Car Wash Pressure Hose News Video | Child Cruelty Caught On Camera

When I started watching this video, I was kind of wondering what all the fuss was about, as I didn’t think...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Sugarcult Music Video | Sugarcult’s ‘Memory’

This is the music video of “Memory” from Sugarcult, one of my favourite bands.
21 sec read

Simon’s Cat Video | Wake Up Cat Wants Inside

Simon’s cat – the wake up cat – strikes again when he realizes that it’s not all that easy for a...
24 sec read

Puppies Get Revenge On Marine Video | What Goes Around…

Truthfully, I qualify as the faint at heart, and could not even get myself to watch my fellow writer’s post about...
Julie Popp
27 sec read

Funny Sprite Ad Video | Nice From Afar, But Far From Nice

At first glance this video looks like some gratuitous footage of a babe in a bikini. But first impressions can be...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

The Imponderables: Funny Sketch Comedy Videos | Award Winning Web Shorts

Since 2004, The Imponderables comedy troupe has been entertaining audiences from Toronto to Tallahassee. Often adored for their absurd ‘Kids In...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Amazing Artist Paints With Sand Video | Sand Art For Grownups?

As a child, my mother used to spend more time coaxing me to get out of the sandbox than the time...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

How To Catch A Seagull On The Beach (Funny Video Clip) | Disguising Yourself As Food

This is one of the shortest video clips I have ever put on WebTVHub, but I think it’s worth it, as...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Tales of Mere Existence Video | Boyfriends I Have Been

I have been following Tales of Mere Existence since the creator was only a few comics in, and I have enjoyed...
21 sec read

Brooke White “American Idol” Video | Good Girl Strips Back Pat Benatar

Brooke White is American Idol’s resident “good girl.” She’s a happily married Mormon, who’s never even watched an R-rated movie. Funnily...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Watch Gundam Wing Full Episodes Online | Entire Series Streaming English Dubbed

Anime fans rejoice! The entire series of the classic anime Gundam Wing is now available online for free. Gundam Wing, or...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Amazing Disabled Basketball Player Video | One-Armed Kid Shoots 3 Pointers

Porter Ellett isn’t like other basketball players his age. Sure, he can dribble the ball around almost any other player, score...
Iman Peera
19 sec read

‘We Need Girlfriends’ Online Web TV Series | Film Students Looking For Love In New York

We Need Girlfriends is an online Web television series which has been running for over a year now, but has only...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read