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Video On Demand
In the past I’ve said that Bill O’Reilly was the biggest jerk on Fox news. But judging by this clip, I’d...
They are so utterly beautiful, and yet knowing they came about ten minutes before the Chinese earthquake…
That sure is a lot of kittens. And the videographer must have something quite enticing to keep the attention of that...
There seems to be no end to the ways in which you can use classic Nintendo games such as Super Mario...
If you had only six words, what would you say?
I admit it: I’m a Eurovision addict. The songs are cheesy, the costumes are ostentatious, and the presenters are far too...
I haven’t ever witnessed a person passing out in a middle of an interview or on stage while giving a speech,...
You may have heard of the show Acceptable TV with Jack Black, but did you know the creators Dan Harmon and...
Just because superheros bring in millions at the box office and save innocent lives daily, it doesn’t mean that they’re immune...
The price of oil is currently at an all-time high and there’s no sign of it going down any time soon....
What if everyone in the world had superpowers? ‘The Defenders of Stan’ is a new web series made by “three guys,...
At least something half-way decent will be on the cable airwaves this summer with the fourth season of So You Think...
I remember paying snake (or nibbles) on the computer as a kid, and still find myself playing it on my cell...
Over eight trillion dollars of debt. That’s over $27,000 of debt for each American.
Sometimes the simplest things are the funniest. That’s definitely the case with this video, which shows an enthusiastic woman so busy...
Yep, I said it. Screw Anderson Cooper 360. After watching one webisode of MoRocca180, I am officially hooked to whatever this...
New York singer-songwriter Jonathan Coulton probably couldn’t have covered a more unlikely song than Sir Mix-A-Lot’s Baby Got Back. Yet funnily...
Weezer is back! And they have really out done themselves with their latest video for ‘Pork and Beans’ (their new single)....
After a 5 year dry streak for the ladies, Kristi Yamaguchi finally proves that the voters aren’t just a bunch of...
I’m not wishing that I could do that, but it’s still pretty darn awesome.
As a Republican politician, John McCain has to toe the party line of being against gay marriage, despite the fact that...
Jason Zumwal, better known as the voice of the character Roman from Grand Theft Auto 4, isn’t too happy about his...
Nature versus nurture has long been an argument in many areas for a long time, but the fact that someone would...
Tim Minchin is one of Australia’s most talented musical comedians. He’s also perhaps the sickest. And what a brilliant combination it...
Twitter is one of those new Web 2.0 applications that is used extensively by people within the industry but hasn’t really...
You know that warning that comes before dangerous shows like Jackass? It goes something like: “WARNING: Do Not Try This At...
The votes are in and the winner of American Idol 7 is David Cook! This video shows you the nail-biting verdict...
The two pranksters who made this video want to pull a prank on their unsuspecting friend; who just happens to be...
How would you like for this to be your daily commute? After viewing this video, spending an extra 20 minutes in...
“Don’t say cocks.” Yeah. Good advice.