On Demand Video Over the internet
Video On Demand
We’ve all done it – taken a kite down to the park on a blustery day for a nice relaxing bit...
The People’s Court was a cheesy 1980s TV show which saw two people each giving their side of an argument, before...
We already know how bad the Bush administration is, and the sad reality is that they are going to get away...
Last year I posted about the Wilhelm Scream, a brilliant if slightly unrealistic sound effect that was massive in the 70s...
I have to admit that I would watch a whole different Survivor of just the behind the scenes look at those...
Even if you don’t know what Tetris is (you don’t know what Tetris is?!), this video is still worth watching just...
This is certainly a unique chronicling of the 2008 presidential election. In fact, I’d say this is up there with Will-I-Am’s...
While writing for Web TV Hub, I have seen many new Web series début over the past year. Some have been...
We all know the horrible feeling of coming out of a movie theater disappointed. The Spill Crew, however, wants you to...
Curtis Mosey has a goldmine on his hands. He grows tiny berries hailed as miracle fruits for their startling ability to...
Now that is a title that is definitely going to get you some attention. Not that the fact they are former...
This guy isn’t just good at playing the piano, he’s very good. And he proves it here by doing a brilliant...
Troubled youth is getting younger and younger these days. Take this 7 year-old tike for instance, who stole is grandmother’s Dodge...
This week the American Idols needed to sing not one, but two, Neil Diamond songs. But it didn’t seem to phase...
RipeTV’s latest web series isn’t about hot babes at all, it’s about serious politics. Or, as serious as politics can get...
Another great episode of Bullshit from Penn and Teller. (I love this show, don’t you?)
This giant squid that was caught by fishermen has been sitting on ice for a while now, waiting for scientist to...
We already know what the internet would be like if it were real. But how about just Facebook in general? Yes,...
A while ago, the tabloid newspapers in the UK got all excited after a 30 second video of Chanelle Hayes from...
I must admit, I almost didn’t see this video. Watching five synchronized metronomes just didn’t sound very thrilling. But when I...
The popular Podcast Mahalo Daily aired it’s final episode with host Veronica Belmont on April 22nd. Now Lon Harris is looking...
Sugar and spice and all things nice. That’s what little girls are made of, right? Well, the parents of these talk...
The world’s most hated terrorist is back with a new video. Only, this time he isn’t rambling about “killing American infidels,”...
Right, because once having heard about it, people aren’t going to rush onto the internet to figure out how to make...
Not being a valedictorian myself, I have to assume that you must have performed to a certain academic level in the...
This video starts off very simply, with a mum asking her son when the last he’d seen his gran was. With...
I don’t normally post videos this short, but this one’s just so awesome I couldn’t resist. I mean really, is there...
Yum. Quantum physics makes me feel so hot.
Watching this video brings two things to my mind: the first is Meet The Fockers, and the second is now, how...
If you’ve ever watched Animal Planet and found it boring as hell, then you might like TBS’s new web series ‘Our...