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Video On Demand
That’s it, when you want something done, you can do it yourself, employ someone to do it, or forbid your kids,...
Leonardo’s Mona Lisa has long been a painting surrounded by a lot of controversy. This video showcases one of the latest...
“A young man awakens to find his life has been taken over by a video blog.” That’s the plot for iChannel,...
The fourth installment to the most controversial video game series, Grand Theft Auto, is due on the 29th of next month....
Ok, so yea, this is a bit of a long video, but it is absolutely incredible. What happens when you give...
I’m an animal lover, and hate to see any cruelty being inflicted on creatures which can’t defend themselves. such as this...
This news story is just so weird you have to see it to believe it. Apparently an American woman has been...
With her song New Soul featured in the MacBook Air ad, Israel’s Yael Naim is one of the hottest new singers...
Not only do celebrities have to deal with the annoyances of the paparazzi, but they also have to deal with mobs...
If you like movies that look like real-life graphic novels, or girls with guns in general, then you might want to...
False adverting has been used to sell numerous products that don’t quite perform as well as they are “seen on TV.”...
The Gran Turismo series of video games has been synonymous with the Playstation brand since the original console came out in...
And you thought some of your friends were strange.
Oh, glory be to all, it’s the dark side of the rainbow in The Wizard of Oz…
It looks like Sony Pictures Entertainment is finally taking online video seriously. They’ve revamped their old Grouper site under a new...
In the past, we at WebTvHub have shared numerous how-to videos that help demystify relationship issues. This particular video addresses the...
This is pretty funny. These are predictions of what the clothing style will be in 2000 from 1930’s fashinistas. Is it...
David Cook’s quickly established himself as one of the most interesting contestants in this season of American Idol. A few week’s...
Quentin Tarantino is one of my favourite movie directors alive today. I’ve enjoyed every one of his films, and particularly the...
You know what it’s like. It’s Saturday night. You’re stand outside a club freezing in your skimpy clothes. You finally make...
Irvine millionaire David Samuels has been relatively dormant since he sold his $250 million State of the Art software company in...
Wow, and I though Lissette was bad, but this lady, Lauren, sure does give her a run for her money. First...
World of Warcraft and other similar Internet based MMOs are a phenomenon which seem to constantly hover just away from the...
While it’s not exactly new news that Pluto is out there, could we finally be extending our reach even further towards...
Here at WebTvHub, we’ve already shown you a video of the world’s worst salesman. But the problem with this particular salesman...
We’ve seen plenty of cool optical illusions here on WebTVHub in the past, and here is yet another. This is actually...
No, we’re not talking about chocolate Easter eggs or even the kind with yolks inside…
Dove knows how hard life is for women in their 20’s, and apparently MTV does too. The two companies have teamed...
That old show tune would like you to believe that people who need people are the luckiest people in the world....
What is it with Michael Jackson dance routines? We’ve already seen prison inmates dancing to Thriller, and now we have a...