On Demand Video Over the internet
Video On Demand
Vice magazine, known for their reputation to address taboo subjects, has a video web site where viewers can find guerrilla-style news...
The PopCrunch Show is back and funnier than ever. This week, the show pokes fun at everyone from Madonna to the...
Some of my favorite videos involve the stupidity of others. So when I saw this video with eight of the dumbest...
Mindbites, a new instructional video marketplace, officially launched at the end of last week, after securing about $1 million in investment...
“There are Jews who walk among you.”
When I saw the film Minority Report, I was most impressed. Not with the plot necessarily, and certainly not Tom Cruise’s...
If you love Michael Moore documentaries like Sicko, then you’ll love Zeitgeist. It’s a ‘Documentary’ about conspiracy theories that just might...
When we think of accountants we imagine a bunch of stiff guys wearing suits, right? These lads from China are determined...
Throughout his career (40 years and counting), Jackie Chan has displayed some of the most amazing stunts ever seen in the...
Imagine you have rented a boat and are enjoying a beautiful day out off the coast of the Florida keys when...
Doesn’t this little dog look happy as Larry? Or Jerry in actual fact, seeing as that’s his name. Then again so...
As a former percussionist, I am definitely biased in my belief that the percussion section is the best section. But I...
Since 2004, the CollegeIsEasy group has been sharing parodies and mockumentaries via the internet. Their shorts have gained thousands of views...
As an Australian I’m willing to admit that I don’t know a lot about ice hockey. But even I can appreciate...
If you thought or still think your high school pincipal is a jerk, then you should check out this insane video...
I’ve always been intrigued by some of the madness which makes it in to the Guinness Book Of World Records, and...
The first video I ever saw of this group was their food court song about napkins, and I think this video...
The show America’s Got Talent certainly saw some of the best and the worst performers out there. Eleven year old singer...
If you’re a music buff like me, then you’re also a sucker for those acoustic performances that top 40 artists rarely...
Ok, either these guys, yes there is another crazy motorcycle dude towards the end of the video, either have a death...
Meet Bryan Berg, a world-class card stacker. No, that doesn’t mean he’s a gambling fiend. Bryan’s turned his passion for building...
There are those that seek thrills, and those that avoid them. The man dangling from the the digger in this video...
Easter is almost here, and it’s a time to put aside any differences, celebrate with chocolate eggs, and cuddly bunnies, and...
How do you propose to the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with? It’s a question which...
This hilarious singer on the Bulgarian show “Music Idol” has not only taken Mariah Carey’s ‘Without You’ to new, horrible levels,...
The gap between the rich and the poor is once again reverting back to the days of royalty where it was...
Can’t wait for the next season of 24 to begin? Then you might want to bide your time with webisodes of...
Carly Smithson has been the quiet achiever in this year’s American Idol competition. She’s delivered consistently wonderful performances, but I haven’t...
Fans and film critics alike were already getting ultra excited about the release of the new Batman movie The Dark Knight,...
Apparently, the the higher ups that run the BET television network can’t take a joke. When a promo clip of the...