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Video On Demand

‘Hearts Around The World’ Google Maps Video | Valentine’s Spirit Seen From Space

I know it’s a day late, but this video is just too remarkable to pass up. You won’t believe how many...
Iman Peera
21 sec read

Dell Call Center Salesman Taunts Customer Video | Sales Targets Too High Perhaps?

This video shows a mock up of a real phone conversation which took place between a Dell computer salesman and a...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

Spoiled Teen Beauty Queen Video | She Should Be Sent to Boot Camp

Some girls have it all. No chores, no cooking for themselves, and gifts every day. The girl in this video gets...
Kristy Pruitt
27 sec read

Five Hilarious American Politician Spoof Videos | Super Tuesday Takes On A New Meaning

As all the “Super Tuesdays” and annoying politician bashing commercials finally see a light at the end of the tunnel, I...
Julie Popp
1 min read

Crystal Glass Music Video | An Amazing and Beautiful Tune

I always thought it was kind of neat how people use wine glasses with water in them to make sounds. But...
Kristy Pruitt
24 sec read

JustKiddingFilms: Funny Asian Web Shorts | Comedy For Asians By Asians

Uncle Chin and Uncle Same, aka Joe and Bart are two Asian-American roommates that are the latest YouTube phenomenon. With their...
Iman Peera
38 sec read

Flight of the Conchords Sexy Song Video | It’s Time for Making Love, It’s “Business Time”

We’re longtime fans of Flight of the Conchords, and following their Grammy win last week it looks like everyone’s catching on...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Australian Party Kid Follow-Up Video | Now He Gets Paid To Throw Parties

Remember that Aussie teenager that caused riots with his crazy 500 person party? Here’s a quick follow-up interview of him. Contrary...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Valentine’s Day Love Song With Candy (Vid) | Your Touch Is Like Viagra!

There is no better way to say Happy Valentine’s Day to your loved one than to come up with something from...
Julie Popp
37 sec read

Watch Dr. Steve-O Full Episodes Online | Entire Season 1 Streaming Commercial Free

Look in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane- no it’s Dr. Stevo! The series that combined elements of Jackass...
Iman Peera
47 sec read

Skateboarder Pisses Off Baltimore Cop (Vid) | Is It That Time Of The Month, Occifer?

Somebody was sick of getting disrespected for being a “park” cop, and somebody finally decided to take it out on the...
Julie Popp
36 sec read

Classic American Gladiators Video | This Guy Is Too Cool to Get Hurt

The eighties TV show American Gladiators has made a comeback, and has been the subject of a few parodies. For those...
Kristy Pruitt
26 sec read

Funny Mac vs PC South Park Video | Finally A Commercial With The Truth

You’ve already seen those numerous official Mac vs. PC ads, and even some of those not-so-official ones. Here’s another parody, told...
Iman Peera
24 sec read

Kevlar Helmet Drumming Video | Sweet Sound Of Fiberglass

When it comes to musical talent, you either have it or you don’t. This soldier quite apparently has it as he...
Julie Popp
29 sec read

Kevin Rudd Says Sorry Video | Australian Prime Minister Apologizes to Stolen Generation

Yesterday was a historic day in Australia, as Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologized to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Stolen...
Lauren Katulka
32 sec read

The Pirate Bay Founder Speaks On Television For First Time | Legal Or Illegal Downloading?

The Pirate Bay is the largest torrent tracker on the Internet, and its very existence allows millions of files, both legal...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

The Lucifer Effect Author Video | Dr. Zimbardo on Colbert

Learn about the Lucifer Effect through humour.
22 sec read

Massive YouTube Censorship? Video | Scientology Strikes Again?

Is YouTube freezing the view counts on videos protesting scientology to prevent the videos from appearing on the front page? I...
26 sec read

Bad Cop Video | Officer Harasses 14 Year Old Skateboarder

Unfortunately, there is no shortage of bad cop videos on YouTube. In this one, an officer harasses a young teen who...
Kristy Pruitt
26 sec read

Crazy Glass Blowing Video | Where Is The Technique?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always wondered how they made the many designs, colors and shapes of glass-blown things,...
Julie Popp
28 sec read

Cute Confused Cat Video | Where Are the Kittens?

Aren’t animals wonderful? While we humans tend to ignore the cries of others, this maternal moggy comes running when she hears...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Watch ‘Making The Band 4’ (Season 2) Full Episodes Online | MTV Streaming New Season

Until the writer’s strike officially ends, I’m sure you’ll see more and more reality series returning to TV. MTV is taking...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

World’s Most Dangerous Swimming Pool Video | Crazy Swimmers Dive Next to Waterfall

I know a few daredevils, but none would probably ever jump into this “swimming pool”. There are no rails and even...
Iman Peera
19 sec read

Kitchen Gun! Cilit Bang Spoof Commercial Video | From The Peter Serafinowicz Show

Cilit Bang is a cleaning product which was advertised (in the UK at least) by a series of adverts featuring the...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

PopCrunch Show Video Update | Amy Winehouse on Crack, Jonas Brothers Crunched

It’s that time again! This week’s PopCrunch Show give us some insight to the predictable future of boy bands. First they...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Big Screen TV Commercial | What Happens When Your Picture Is Too Good

There have been great advances in video technology over the past few years, with TV pictures becoming more and more realistic....
Kristy Pruitt
28 sec read

New Web Series “Cookin’ With Coolio” | From A Gangsta’s Paradise to the Kitchen

A lot of rappers these days want you to think that they are multi talented. I can’t even begin to count...
Iman Peera
38 sec read

John McCain’s Response to Obama Video | “Yes We Can” Is Looking Even Better

By now everyone’s seen the celebrity Barack Obama lovefest commonly known as “Yes We Can.” Rebublican frontrunner John McCain would have...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

ABC Football Host Chris Berman Goes Mad | Caution: Offensive Language Used

We thought Nancy Grace was one whacked out lady when she went bazerk over the Paris Hilton Burger King commercial being...
Julie Popp
34 sec read