On Demand Video Over the internet
Video On Demand
I’m scared now. There I was minding my own business, just innocently checking out some videos on YouTube, when I get...
Last November, I posted a video about creating your own HD speaker for less than a dollar using household items. It’s...
If you’ve ever had surgery, maybe this question has crossed your mind: What does the anesthetist do once the patient is...
If you’re the type of person who loves seafood and ‘long walks on the beach’, you might want to look away....
It doesn’t get much better than this. Here we have two certified music legends – Todd Rundgren and Joe Jackson –...
As you may recall from my previous post about Using Photoshop For Revenge, you will also recall a rather funny guy...
It seems like they were only yesterday, but do you realize how bad the 90s were? There were the 80s hair...
A group of Internet users going by the name of Anonymous have been going after the Church of Scientology since the...
People, just say no to passing gas. Passing gas makes babies cry.
Only in the United States.
Spider Eats Scorpion It’s not the pitting of insect vs. insect here; it is the pitting of insect vs. arachnid, and...
Robbing convenience stores seems like a simple business, but as we’ve seen before, things don’t always go as planned. Here our...
I can’t work out if this is cruel, or actually good for the dog, you know, to teach it aggression against...
I’ve met a few crazy people on subways, but I’ve never seen anything like this. The moves this lady pulls off...
Former MTV executive Rob Barnett has found his place in the entertainment world: cyberspace. With the help of Harry Shearer and...
Lip synching during live shows tends to come back to bite singers in the butt. It caught up with the singer...
If you’ve read your Bible stories, you’d know Jesus as a placid, forgiving, peace-loving fellow. But the schlock horror film Jesus...
Can you say ‘dead man’? I love Australian beer commercials because Aussies love to let their playful side show through when...
The Negotiating Table on FunnyOrDie.com The writers strike which is affecting movie and television production in Hollywood and beyond is still...
Yes, online productions with million dollar budgets have been done before, but the sad truth is, money can’t buy funny. This...
Usually a sport like gymnastics bores me. Though this time for pure comedic purposes, I’ll make an exception. Contrary to what...
This must be a modern-day revenge of the nerds or something like that. These two are interviewed about their craziest night...
Now you can watch the infamous Jackass spin-off on your own time. In partnership with SpikeTV, MTV has officially made all...
You’ve gotta love live TV. That is when news finally gets interesting instead of just the same old crap such as...
OK I admit it. I don’t watch Lost. While I’m making embarrassing confessions, I also haven’t seen the Lord of the...
Ryuichi Sakamoto playing the piano, Everton Nelson playing the violin, and Jaques Morelenbaum playing the cello have come together in this...
Here at WebTvHub, we’ve done our best to show you some of the craziest accidents, but this one blows all of...
Wow, this video takes me back a bit. Kids don’t know how lucky they are these days to have the choice...
Scientology has been all over the news lately, especially since the leakage of the Tom Cruise on Scientology video hit YouTube...