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Video On Demand

Hilarious Harry Potter Spoof Video | Is Harry Potter Gay?

I always thought that Harry Potter looked a little too squeaky clean and innocent. Now, I know the truth: Harry Potter...
Katrina Robinson
24 sec read

Creepy Stop Motion Animation Video | Could Be The Next Big Horror Flick

I don’t know about you, but this really creepy, but well done, stop-motion animated video reminds me of such horror flicks...
Julie Popp
22 sec read

CrushTV | A College Students YouTube

Ah, to be a student again. Days wasted drinking until the early hours, spending more time in bed than out of...
Andrew Macarthy
34 sec read

“No Gays In Iran” Speech Video | Iranian President Ahmadinejad Claims Gay Free Iran

This is frickin’ hilarious, or at least it would be if it didn’t emphasise a real problem with a big part...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

Worlds Strongest Man Video | We Want To Pump, You Up

We just met the women of brawn; now meet this man of brawn. I can’t say or even spell his name...
Julie Popp
43 sec read

Cool Animated Music Ad | The Alphabet from Abba to Zappa

I’m a bit of a music nerd, so I was delighted to find this fantastic musical alphabet ad used to promote...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

“Ninjas” Rob Convenience Store (Video)

These criminals have what seems to be a foolproof plan. They go into a convenience store dressed as ninjas, with their...
Kristy Pruitt
33 sec read

Margaret Cho Naked Dancing Video | Comedian Performs Wearing Nipple Tassels

Margaret Cho is an openly bisexual American comedian who until I saw this video I knew very little about. Now I...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Funny Beer Me Puppy Video Clip | I Wish My Dog Could Do This

On lazy Saturday or Sunday afternoons, my husband and I often joke with our chocolate lab and say, “Go get me...
Katrina Robinson
24 sec read

FlowGo – Funny Cartoons for All Ages | Animated Flash Videos for Everyone

FlowGo is a website that centers its appeal on cute cartoons and funny Flash videos, as well as offering a social...
Andrew Macarthy
34 sec read

WorldwideFido | Where Dog Lovers Go to Show Off their Prize Pooches

The world’s love for both animals and online video makes the likes of watching clips of a bowling dog, or a...
Andrew Macarthy
28 sec read

New Show Intro For “The Simpsons” | With Spider Pig Of Course

It’s remarkable that the Simpson’s have been around for this long, and the notorious Simpson family is just as popular as...
Julie Popp
28 sec read

Female Body Lifters Video | Brains, Brawn and Beauty?

Sexy or scary? Buff or beef? Either you love the muscle look on girls or you despise it, but there is...
Julie Popp
44 sec read

Bizarre Complaints Choir | Whining Never Sounded This Good!

Meet The Complaints Choir of Helsinki, a collection of Finns united by their love of singing and distaste for just about...
Lauren Katulka
27 sec read

Funny Japanese Game Show Video | Treadmills and Hurdles and Faceplants, Oh My!

Those kooky Japanese game show clips are some of the most sadistically entertaining stuff on the web. I particularly enjoyed finding...
Kristy Pruitt
25 sec read

Student Tasered At John Kerry Speech Spoof Video | ‘U Can’t Tase This’ by MC Hammer

You’ll have all seen the original video now of student Andrew Meyer being arrested and tasered by police on jumped up...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Nancy Grace on Celebrity Jeopardy Video | Hilarious–Was She Always This Dumb?

I’m a long-time Jeopardy lover. I’ve been watching it every weekday night for years now. I definitely remember Nancy Grace’s infamous...
Katrina Robinson
32 sec read

BoardRideTV | Action Sport Videos – Kite Surfing, Snowboarding, Wakeboarding & More

BoardRideTV was founded in July 2007 and is an action sports video website for web users worldwide to watch and share...
Andrew Macarthy
29 sec read

Skydiving Granny Looses Her Teeth Video | Keep Your Mouth Closed!

Before you can even strap a parachute on your back, you must go through a couple of hours learning about the...
Julie Popp
29 sec read

Hudson Fire Department Rescue Video | What’s Your Emergency?

Real fires, real emergencies, real rescues. This video contains a montage of images from true responses and on-the-scenes photos and videos...
Julie Popp
25 sec read

Matt Corby Disco Video | “Australian Idol” Hottie Scores a Touchdown

Idol competitions around the world tend to follow the same format: the singers perform and the judges deliver their verdict. But...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

The Crogan Twins X Factor 4 Audition Video | Creepy Funeral Singing Twins From Dublin

This is a freaky pair of singing twins if ever I saw them. The audition started badly when X Factor judge...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Bush Mandela Is Dead Gaffe Video | US President Declares “Nelson Mandela Is Dead!”

During a recent press conference about the Iraq war and the progress of the Iraqi government, George W. Bush decided to...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

YourTrumanShow | Jim Carrey Inspired Real Life Big Brother TV Channel

In 1998’s The Truman Show starring Jim Carrey, viewers followed every detail of the scripted existence of one Truman Burbank. The...
Andrew Macarthy
36 sec read

Amazing Kid Vid | Two-Year-Old Geography Genius

I remember reading that one fifth of Americans can’t locate their own country on a world map. Little Lily can do...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Beer Diet Video | How a 12-Pack a Day Keeps the Pounds Away

Beer drinkers enjoy their favorite beverage for various reasons, but those reasons usually have nothing to do with weight loss. But...
Kristy Pruitt
26 sec read

Notorious BIG Shooting Video | From The Biggie Smalls Documentary ‘Bigger Than Life’

The Notorious B.I.G. otherwise known as Biggie Smalls was killed by drive by shooting on March 9th 1997, and this is...
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

Stephen Colbert’s Muchacho Dance Video | Sexy Is As Sexy Does

Stephen Colbert climbed the comical latter and has reached success in getting his own show, The Colbert Report, pronounced the hooked...
Julie Popp
21 sec read

Funny Safe Sex Commercial | Best Positions for Abstaining

I remember having to sit through sex education back in middle school and early high school. It was an awkward time,...
Kristy Pruitt
24 sec read

“Survivor China” Opening Challenge Video | All Hail The Dragon

A ceremonial mascot?! That’s definitely a new one for Survivor. Season premiere aired last night, and we met the 16 new...
Julie Popp
27 sec read