On Demand Video Over the internet

Video On Demand

Crazy Guy on American Inventor Clip

Reality tv is full of loony people, but so many of them are merely performing for the camera. However, this guy...
Brendan Van Voris
33 sec read

Insane Star Wars Hooker Video | Disturbing Fantasy Comes to Life!

This hooker really does care about her customers’ fantasies. She has gone so far as to get an outfit custom made...
Katrina Robinson
21 sec read

Lord Of the Rings Film Trilogy | Animated Video Spoof

The Lord Of The Rings movies were fantastic, translating the classic books to film superbly. But there’s always room for improvement,...
Dave Parrack
55 sec read

Amazing Disabled Breakdancing Battle Video | Who Needs Two Good Legs Anyway?

These talented breakdancers prove that just because you’re differently abled doesn’t mean you can’t make a crowd go wild. Like the...
Kristy Pruitt
32 sec read

Automated Phonesex Video | Gets the Money Shot

This clip combines two of the most ridiculous things in the modern world, phone sex and automated tellers. By now most...
Michael van Cleave
35 sec read

Linkin Park Parody Music Video

I’ve got to admit, I’m not a fan of Linkin Park. They’re just a little too whiny and pretentious for my...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Funny The Sugar Cube Prank Vid | Clumsy, Fake Cocaine Dealer

The Sugar Cube gang is at it again. This time, they’ve come up with a hysterical prank that shocks everyone on...
Katrina Robinson
24 sec read

Glamazons on America’s Got Talent | Plus-Sized Pussycat Dolls Wow the Judges

Meet Gingersnap, Caramella, Candy Apple and Lady Fingers, the four women that make up the group called Glamazons. They strut their...
Julie Popp
25 sec read

Surreallistic Trippy Music Video

Music videos may have left behind the surrealism of the eighties long ago, but it seems like surrealism is making a...
Brendan Van Voris
26 sec read

Grand Theft Auto Mario Mash Up | Robot Chicken Video Spoof

Take one of the most iconic video game characters ever and place him along with his brother in to the setting...
Dave Parrack
51 sec read

Funny 911 Calls and Police Footage | What Emergency?

It seems four-year-olds with math troubles aren’t the only ones confused about what constitutes an emergency. This video features audio of...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

When Great White Sharks Attack (Vid)

Planet Earth, a newer TV series, highlights the many delicate ecosystems that comprise our planet, and has some of the most...
Julie Popp
28 sec read

Humiliation Vid – Cocky Cyclist Eats Pavement

No matter how bad your day has been it’s not likely that you’ve got it worse than the poor sap in...
Michael van Cleave
37 sec read

Bizarre Cartoon Vid Created by Famous Wierdo David Lynch

Ah David Lynch, the highly imaginative artist, director, and weirdo extraordinaire who delivered a host of cinematic mind-fucks in the 90’s...
Michael van Cleave
29 sec read

Across the Country on a Scooter Vid | Getting There Slowly but Surely

Wouldn’t it be cool to ride across the country on two wheels, with the wind in your hair and nothing but...
Kristy Pruitt
24 sec read

Clever Pandas Organize a Prison Break

Whoever said that panda bears are not smart creatures needs to learn from this video. These pandas are clever and oh...
Katrina Robinson
23 sec read

Compilation Clip of Animals Masterbating | Even Fuzzy Kitties Spank It

Spanking the monkey, flogging the dolphin, stroking the kitty; ever wonder where these common masturbatory phrases come from? I used to...
Chris Tew
40 sec read

Documentary Clip | A Real Case of Elephantitis of the Nuts, Pretty Tasty

I’ve got four words for you, Elephantitis of the nuts. That’s right, it’s not a myth, not a plot device in...
Michael van Cleave
36 sec read

Cute Video of Baby Fighting Sleep | This Kid Doesn’t Want to Miss Anything

The baby boy in this video is bound and determined not to fall asleep. I don’t know what he’s watching on...
Kristy Pruitt
36 sec read

Paris Hilton Busted (Video) | Letterman Finds Lies in Larry King Interview

If you believe the hype, everyone was waiting to hear what Paris Hilton had to say when she was released from...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Mary Murphy Steals the Show? | So You Think You Can Dance Week 3 Vids

That woman is a little bit nuts, known for her crazed, loud scream and corny metaphors, but everyone eagerly awaits her...
Julie Popp
59 sec read

Kashif Memon on America’s Got Talent | An Unforgettable Dance

This guy named Kashif from Pakistan had the audience going wild on America’s Got Talent with his dancing. He knows how...
Kristy Pruitt
22 sec read

John Stamos Drunk in Australia | Uncle Jesse from “Full House” is Hammered!

It looks as though John Stamos may have poured some Bailey’s Irish Crème into his morning coffee before making an appearance...
Katrina Robinson
22 sec read

Funny Adam Sandler Video from The Price Is Right | A Fond Farewell to the Legendary Bob Barker

Bob Barker just left The Price Is Right after fifty years, and leave it to Adam Sandler to find a memorable...
Kristy Pruitt
31 sec read

Funny Phone Call | Naughty Kid Calls 911 for Math Help

The kid whose voice is featured in this video is well aware that one should call 911 in an emergency. But...
Kristy Pruitt
25 sec read

Amazing Dance Video | One-Legged Salsa Star

Audiences were impressed when Heather Mills used a prosthetic leg to bust a move on Dancing With the Stars. However, this...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Funny Takeoff of Apple Commercials | iPod vs. Cell Phone (Vid)

Of course, the original Apple commercials (see below) pit the all-powerful Mac against the puny and boring PC. Macs know how...
Julie Popp
43 sec read

Crazy Psychological Experiment Video | How many passes do you count?

This is absolutely ridiculous. I began watching this video and was thinking to myself, “A psychological experiment, eh? I’ll surely rock...
Katrina Robinson
24 sec read

Mona Lisa Recreated on the Computer | Talented Digital Artist Video

Wowza! I wish I knew how long it took this artist to recreate Leonardo da Vinci’s ever-famous Mona Lisa through a...
Julie Popp
24 sec read

Montana Martin Iles Rocks “Canadian Idol”

Idol competitions the world over tend to attract particular types of girls. The reality talent quests are havens for pop princesses...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read