James Randi Psychic Debunking Video | Professional Skeptic Calls Out James Hydrick

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This video shows professional psychic debunker James Randi calling out James Hydrick over his so-called ability to move physical objects with just his mind.

If you like seeing someone squirming after realizing he’s been caught out, then you must watch this clip from That’s My Line.

I’m 100 percent of the existence of paranormal activity and psychic powers. We know humans aren’t using their brains to their full capacity, and there is evidence to suggest some people learn how to tap into that, even in a small way.

However, the issue has been muddied by people such as Hydrick who pretend to have special powers in order to gain fame and fortune. Randi is still alive and doing his thing, while Hydrick admitted his act was all a fraud years later.

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