Jay Shafer is the man behind what’s now known as “The Small Living Movement” that’s going on across America. In our struggling economic times, many are changing their ways of living and cutting down on costs.
Perhaps one of the greatest examples of super-saving is the “tiny houses” that Jay Shafer’s company builds. All of which are under 150 sq. feet of space.
At first, I thought this idea was completely amazing. No property tax? No utility bills? No vacuuming?! It sounds like a dream come true. But when Jay actually makes a tour of the house, I get a bit claustrophobic. The shower/bathroom seems uncomfortable and the fact that their isn’t any A/C makes it unattractive.
If I were to compare this to any mobile home on the market, it would obviously blow it out of the water. That being said, these babies go for about $50,000 a pop and don’t come with any land. Are they really worth it or just fancy trailers? You be the judge.