Killer whales, or orcas, are back in the news again after one of the Shamu at SeaWorld dragged its trainer Dawn Brancheau under the water to an early death.
This video shows two killer whales hunting seals right on the coast. They’ll even venture into very shallow water if there’s a chance of catching prey. And it shows just how huge and scary orcas are.
Is the orca blamed with Brancheau’s death, known as Tilikum, really to blame or is it just a natural urge? Surely this tragic incident should lead to SeaWorld closing down its Shamu shows, but no, they’re already back up and running just days later.
Why are killer whales turned into fun and frivolous creatures for human entertainment? What kind of people go and see the Shamu show? Is it really any more tolerable than watching dancing bears or circus animals?